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        留學(xué)美國:A Freshman All Over Again 再做大學(xué)新鮮人

        來源:威久留學(xué)     責(zé)任編輯:留學(xué)專家    瀏覽:2737次



          Belgrade Lakes, Me.
          Thirty-six years ago, my mother and father pulled up in front of a dormitory at Wesleyan University in a cream-colored Oldsmobile Omega. “At last!” my mother declared. “College!”
          36年前,我父母開著一輛米色的奧茲莫比爾歐米茄小汽車,來到了衛(wèi)斯理大學(xué)(Wesleyan University)的一排宿舍樓前面?!敖K于到了!”我媽媽宣布說?!吧洗髮W(xué)了!”
          From the back seat, I glowered at her. Then I looked out the window and glowered at the ivy. It was clear enough: I was going to die here.
          My father unlocked the trunk. It contained a suitcase, a stereo, a box of records by the Allman Brothers and the Grateful Dead, a leatherbound journal, a psychedelic poster of the cover of “The Fellowship of the Ring,” a copy of Coffin &Roelofs’s “Major Poets,” a three-legged milking stool and a bong shaped like one of the statues on Easter Island.
          我爸爸打開了車尾行李箱。里面放著一只箱子,一部立體音響,一盒奧爾曼兄弟(Allman Brothers)與“死之華”(Grateful Dead)樂隊的唱片,一本皮面日記本,一張關(guān)于《護(hù)戒使者》(The Fellowship of the Ring)封面的迷幻味十足的海報,一本由科芬(Coffin)和羅洛夫斯(Roelofs)編輯的《主要詩人》(Major Poets),一張三條腿的小圓凳,還有一桿貌似復(fù)活節(jié)島雕像的大麻煙槍
          It still wasn’t clear how I’d snuck past the dean of admissions. I’d been rejected for early decision, then deferred in the spring. When they finally let me off the wait list in July, it felt as if admissions had accepted me out of sheer exhaustion.
          We found my room, Butterfield A 132 B. There was a desk in one corner. My mother looked at it with tears in her eyes. “Right here,” she said, “is where all the magic is going to happen!”
          An elegant, feline man appeared in the door. He had a shaved head. “So I’m Bruce,” he said. He pronounced it Bruuuuuce. “Your R.A. There’s Heineken in the fridge. There’s pizza in the lounge. Welcome to college.”
          Later that day, I went into Bruce’s room to ask for his assistance with something and found him handing an ounce of pot to an older-looking person, who in turn gave my R.A. a wad of bills. Bruce introduced me to his guest, a member of the college administration.
          O.K., I thought. So this is different.
          I’m thinking about all of this now because in a week’s time my wife and I are dropping our firstborn son off at Vassar, where he will begin his freshman year (or “first-year experience,” as we are now supposed to call it).
          After nearly 25 years as a college professor, I am at last a participant in the ritual of the station wagons. Don DeLillo describes the annual unpacking in “White Noise”: “the controlled substances, the birth control pills and devices; the junk food still in shopping bags,” and the parents, standing “sun-dazed near their automobiles, seeing images of themselves in every direction.”
          我當(dāng)了快25年大學(xué)教授,現(xiàn)在總算可以參與迎新儀式了。唐·德里羅(Don DeLillo)在《白噪音》("White Noise")一書中這樣描述每年一度新生入學(xué)時打開的行李:“管控藥物,節(jié)育藥物和器具;購物袋里裝著的垃圾食品”,至于新生家長,他們“站在車子旁,被太陽曬昏了頭,無論往哪個方向走,都能看到自己的影子?!?br>   
          Back in ’76, my parents and I had a dignified farewell on the lawn of Butterfield. My father, a reserved, diffident man, shook my hand. Then they walked away. I’d be home for Thanksgiving, and until then, I was Bruce’s problem. In some ways, that was the first and most important thing I learned at college —what life was like without them.
          It’s different now. At Colby College, where I teach English, I see my students talking to their parents on cellphones —some of them three and four times a day. Occasionally, when things aren’t going well, a parent will Skype me. (“What can Charlie do to improve his grades?” one anxious parent asked me. “Fewer drugs,” I suggested.) Parents and children follow one another’s progress on Facebook. They post photos of the campus lobster bake on Instagram. They tweet. They text. They Tumbl.
          如今一切都不同了。在我教授英語的科爾比學(xué)院(Colby College),我發(fā)現(xiàn)學(xué)生們常常跟家長用手機(jī)聊天——有些人一天要跟父母通三四次話。當(dāng)學(xué)生遇到問題時,家長會在Skype上找到我。(“查理怎樣才能提高成績?”一位焦慮的家長這樣問我?!吧汆舅?,”我建議。)家長與子女會在Facebook上關(guān)注彼此的近況。他們在Instagram上貼學(xué)校做的烤龍蝦照片。他們發(fā)推特。他們發(fā)短信。他們也用Tumblr。
          There are times when I want to tell my students that if they want to learn anything at college, their first step should be defriending their parents. Write them a nice letter, on actual paper, once every week or so, but on the whole: let go. Stop living in their shadows, and start casting your own.
          But now I know exactly how impossible this is. Before I became a college parent, it was easy to come up with rules of disengagement for my students’ mothers and fathers. Now that I am one myself, I finally know what it is parents are going through —not just letting go of a child but of an entire chapter of their lives.
          Late in the day so many years ago, long after I thought my parents had headed back to Devon, Pa., I went for a walk. I wandered around the brownstones for a while, stared up at the facade of Olin Library. I realized I was a long way from home.
          很多年前的那一天,當(dāng)我覺得父母已經(jīng)開車回到賓夕法尼亞德文市的家了,過了一會兒,我出去遛彎兒。我圍著校園里的幾幢赤褐色大樓走了一會兒,盯著歐林圖書館(Olin Library)的正面看了看。我突然意識到,自己離家很遠(yuǎn)很遠(yuǎn)了。
          That was when I caught sight of my parents, coming back from the president’s reception. When I saw them approaching, my first thought was, Oh, no. Not another farewell.
          They just smiled and wrapped their arms around me. I did not want them to go. I was not ready to begin this new life, in this new place, without them.
          My father kissed me on the cheek. “You’ll be fine,” he said.
          Jennifer Finney Boylan, a professor of English at Colby College, is a guest columnist. Nicholas D. Kristof is off today.
          Jennifer Finney Boylan是英語教授,客座專欄作家。

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