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        來源:威久留學     責任編輯:留學專家    瀏覽:1536次








          First and second year

          In the first two years, you will study together with students in Fair Trade Management (FTM) or International Agribusiness and Trade (IAT). You will build your competence in a wide range of subjects, such as market research, management and the planning and organisation of marketing. Then there is crop knowledge, conventional and organic crop cultivation, storage techniques and the transport of fresh and processed produce.

          During the first period of the second year, you will undertake a nine-week work placement in a horticulture company. At the end of year two you will set up your own horticultural 'business' with a group of students, which requires creating and carrying out a business plan.

          Third and fourth year

          In year three you will move on to the Horticulture and Marketing major. The first semester is dedicated to a practical assignment. You will manage a mini horticultural enterprise in groups. Each group also analyses the sector of one of the common horticultural crops, including the consumer market. Following this, you and your group will carry out a quantitative research on your own crop cultivation and write a report about it.In term two you will also analyse a horticultural company of your own choice and write an e.g. ISO, GAP or MPS quality handbook about it together with your group.

          The second semester is spent on one or two work placements, taking in total at least 18 weeks. One of these placements is expected to take place in a country that you do not originate from.

          The fourth year starts off by choosing a suitable minor, for example International Agribusiness and Trade, Regional Development and Innovation or courses in Plant Sciences at Wageningen University. Your graduation assignment will be spent at an external company or institution anywhere in the world.



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