        來源: 點擊數: 錄入時間:07-10-09 16:48:59

              劍橋大學成立于1209年,距今已有近800年歷史。學校不僅歷史悠久,而且名人輩出。1904年以來共81位諾貝爾獎獲得者出自牛津大學,并且劍橋大學一直保持著獲諾貝爾獎人數最多的榮譽,這其中更不乏婦孺皆知的杰出人物:Sir Isaac Newton 牛頓,Charles Darwin 達爾文,Ernest Rutherford 羅斯福,Stephen Hawking 霍金。大學的強勢專業多集中于科學、哲學(人文學科)、醫學、法律等。
        General English Requirements:
        IELTS: overall score of 7.0―7.5 (with at least 7.0 in each of the four components)
        TOEFL (paper based): overall score of 600--640, with a Test of Written English score of 5.5
        TOEFL (internet-based): overall score of 100--109
        Cambridge 3.7-4.0
              與劍橋大學齊名的牛津大學同樣擁有悠久的歷史和濃郁的文化底蘊。牛津大學建立于13世紀,并且迄今為止已經有21位諾貝爾獎獲得者,其中更是有Tony Blair,Mard Wilson, Edward Heath, Marguerite這樣聞名世界的人物。其強勢專業在強項在于數學、計算機科學、物理、生物學、醫學等領域。

        General English Requirements:
        IELTS: overall score of 7.0―7.5 (with at least 7.0 in each of the four components)
        TOEFL (paper based): overall score of 600--640, with a Test of Written English score of 5.5
        TOEFL (internet-based): overall score of 100--109
        Oxford GPA 3.8-4.0

        A. Transcripts
        B. Degree Certificates or detail of the current higher education
        C. English Language Proficiency Certification
        D. Funding Letters (Own savings, parents, Relatives, Private Sponsor, Government funded awards or Research Councils)
        E. Research Proposal
        F. Other Written Work (Writing sample, CV etc.)
        G. Reference Letter (Higher education and/or Employer )
        H. Personal statement
        O. GRE/ GMAT
        Oxford university needs 2 copies of application documents and 2 writing samples; Cambridge university need 3 copies of application documents,get the copies endorsed by a public notary or a lawyer who has seen the original documents

             倫敦政治經濟學院(LSE)由Beatrice和Sidney Webb創建于1895年,并于1900年成為倫敦大學的一部分。學校的強勢在于社會,政治和經濟方向。在其強勢領域里更是名人輩出:美國總統肯尼迪,金融家索羅斯,哲學家-諾貝爾獎得主羅素,政治經濟學家-諾貝爾獎得主哈耶克,20世紀最杰出的科學哲學家卡爾.波普,經濟學家-歐元之父-諾貝爾獎得主蒙代爾等。著名的華人校友包括:費孝通、錢昌照、徐志摩、林徽因、金岳霖、龍永圖等。

        Language Requirements:
        下列專業要求IELTS 7.0,TOEFL 627 in the paper test, 263 in the computer based test,107 in the internet based test. LSE Language Test with a minimum score of 70 (not accepted by Economic History and Law).
        Departments of Economic History,Gender Institute, Government, Employment Relations and Organisational Behaviour Group, International History, International Relations, Law, Media and Communications, Operational Research Group, Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, Sociology and MSc Decision Sciences, MSc City Design and Social Sciences and MRes/ PhD and MPhil/ PhD programmes at the European Institute
        A. Application form
        B. Application fee (30 pounds)
        C. Two academic references
        D. Transcripts/ mark sheets and proof of existing qualifications
        E. Graduate Record Examination (GRE) general test and Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT)
        F. English language requirements
        G. Miscellaneous supporting documents
         帝國理工-----Imperial College of London
             早在1907年,此校已有多個學院:The Royal College of Science,The Royal Schools of Mine,The City and Guilds College,The Imperial College School of Medicine。帝國理工學院以工程、醫科專業聞名世界,并在相關領域中曾涌現出多位著名的科學家,例如 赫胥黎(19世紀英國博物學家)、威爾斯(英國作家)弗萊明和切恩(青霉素的發現者) 、達爾比(火車工程師)帕金斯(苯胺染料的發明者) 布萊克特(英國物理學家,諾貝爾獎獲得者)蓋伯(全息攝影術的發明者)裴寧勛爵(著名數學家及核物理學家)。


          皇家學會會員和54位皇家工程院院士。其科研水平躋身全英大學三甲之列,去年的科研經費更是達到1.22億英鎊。在大學排名方面,2001年名列第三, 2000年曾超過牛津大學,位居第二,僅次于劍橋大學。
        General English Requirements
        IELTS:A score of not less than 6.5 including a score of 5.0 or better in the written English element of the academic test. NB: the requirement for Tanaka Business School programmes is 7.0 overall, with 6.0 in writing
        TOEFL:A score of not less than 600 in the paper-based test (PBT), or 250 in the computer-based test (CBT), to include a minimum score of 4.5 in the written English, or 90 overall in the internet-based test (iBT), to include 24 in Writing and 20 in Speaking.
        Academic Requirements
        GPA: above 3.0

        A. A completed Imperial College Postgraduate Online Application
        B. Official transcripts showing your module titles and final grades for your first degree and official transcripts showing your module titles and final grades to date for your master's qualification
        C. An outline research proposal (For research degree)
        D. Two recent academic references: one of which must come from your master's degree supervisor
        E. A full curriculum vitae
        F.  Evidence of a satisfactory score in a recognised English Language test (if appropriate)
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