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        來源:威久留學     責任編輯:留學專家    瀏覽:2966次

        【導讀】: 為幫助自費出國留學人員正確選擇國外學習學校,加強對自費留學中介活動的監管,引導


          Higher Institutions 高校名單 Note/備注
          University of Aberdeen 阿伯丁大學
          University of Abertay Dundee 阿伯泰鄧迪大學
          Anglia Ruskin University 阿格利亞羅斯金大學 原為:阿格利亞理工大學
          The Archbishop of Canterbury 坎特伯雷大教主大學
          University of the Arts, London (Merged with Wimbledon School of Art) 倫敦藝術大學 與威姆勃蘭登藝術學院合并
          Aston University 阿斯頓大學

          Higher Institutions 高校名單 Note/備注
          University of Bath 巴斯大學
          Bath Spa University 巴斯思巴大學 原為大學學院
          University of Bedfordshire (formerly known as University of Luton ) 貝福德郡大學 原為魯頓大學
          Birkbeck College 伯克貝克學院 原為被倫敦大學允許可授予倫敦大學學位的學校,學院及專科學院
          University of Birmingham 伯明翰大學
          Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln (formerly known as Bishop Grosseteste College ) 林肯郡格勞斯泰斯特主教大學學院 原為格勞斯泰斯特主教學院
          The University of Bolton 波爾頓大學 原為博爾頓高等教育學院
          Bournemouth University 伯恩茅斯大學
          University of Bradford 布萊德福德大學
          University of Brighton 布萊頓大學
          University of Bristol 布里斯托大學
          Brunel University 布魯奈爾大學
          University of Buckingham 白金漢大學
          Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College 白金漢郡奇爾特恩斯大學學院
          Higher Institutions 高校名單 Note/備注
          University of Cambridge 劍橋大學(包括以下大學學院)
          **Christ*s College ( Cambridge ) 克萊斯特學院
          **Churchill College ( Cambridge ) 丘吉爾學院
          **Clare College ( Cambridge ) 克萊爾學院1
          **Clare Hall ( Cambridge ) 克萊爾學院2
          **Corpus Christi College ( Cambridge ) 圣體學院
          **Darwin College ( Cambridge ) 達爾文學院
          **Downing College ( Cambridge ) 唐寧學院
          **Emmanuel College ( Cambridge ) 以馬利學院
          **Fitzwilliam College ( Cambridge ) 費茨威廉學院
          **Girton College ( Cambridge ) 戈登學院(也稱格頓學院)
          **Gonville and Caius College ( Cambridge ) 剛維拉和塞烏斯學院
          **Homerton College ( Cambridge ) 豪默頓學院
          **Hughes Hall ( Cambridge ) 休斯學院
          **Jesus College ( Cambridge ) 耶穌學院
          **King*s College ( Cambridge ) 國王學院
          **Lucy Cavendish College ( Cambridge ) 露斯·凱文迪士學院
          **Magdalene College ( Cambridge ) 瑪格達琳學院
          **New Hall ( Cambridge ) 新學院
          **Newnham College ( Cambridge ) 紐恩漢姆學院
          **Pembroke College ( Cambridge ) 彭布羅克學院
          **Peterhouse ( Cambridge ) 彼得豪斯學院
          **Queens* College ( Cambridge ) 女王學院
          **Robinson College ( Cambridge ) 羅賓遜學院
          **Selwyn College ( Cambridge ) 塞爾文學院
          **Sidney Sussex College ( Cambridge ) 西德尼蘇塞克斯學院
          **St Catharine*s College ( Cambridge ) 圣凱瑟琳學院
          **St Edmund*s College ( Cambridge ) 圣埃德蒙學院
          **St John*s College ( Cambridge ) 圣約翰學院
          **Trinity College ( Cambridge ) 三一學院1
          **Trinity Hall ( Cambridge ) 三一學院2
          **Wolfson College ( Cambridge ) 沃夫森學院
          Canterbury Christ Church University 坎特伯雷基督教堂大學
          Cardiff University (Prifysgol Caerdydd) 卡迪夫大學 新增
          University of Central England in Birmingham 中英格蘭大學(伯明翰)
          University of Central Lancashire 中蘭卡郡大學
          The Central School of Speech and Drama 中央演講和戲劇學院 新增
          University of Chester 切斯特大學 新增
          The University of Chichester 奇切斯特大學
          City University 城市大學(也稱倫敦城市大學)
          Courtauld Institute of Art 考陶德藝術學院 原為被倫敦大學允許可授予倫敦大學學位的學校,學院及專科學院
          Coventry University 考文垂大學
          University College for the Creative Arts at Canterbury , Epsom, Farnham, Maidstone and Rochester 創造性藝術大學學院(坎特伯雷、愛普生、法漢姆、梅德斯通和羅徹斯特) 新增
          Cranfield University 克蘭菲爾德大學

          Higher Institutions 高校名單 Note/備注
          De Montfort University 德蒙特福特大學
          University of Derby 德比大學
          University of Dundee 鄧迪大學
          University of Durham 杜倫大學(包括以下大學學院)
          ** College of St Hild and St Bede ( Durham ) 西爾德和圣必德學院
          **Collingwood College ( Durham ) 考靈伍德學院
          **Grey College ( Durham ) 格雷學院
          **Hatfield College ( Durham ) 海特菲爾德學院
          **John Snow College , Queen''''''''s Campus ( Durham ) 約翰·斯諾學院,女王校區
          **St Aidan*s College ( Durham ) 圣埃德恩學院
          **St Chad *s College ( Durham ) 圣乍得學院
          **St Cuthbert*s Society ( Durham ) 圣卡斯伯特學院
          **St John*s College ( Durham ) 圣約翰學院
          **St Mary*s College ( Durham ) 圣瑪麗學院
          **Stephenson College , Queen*s Campus ( Durham ) 斯蒂芬森學院,女王校區
          **Trevelyan College ( Durham ) 特里維廉學院
          **Ushaw College ( Durham ) 伍紹學院
          **Ustinov College ( Durham ) 烏斯提諾夫學院
          **Van Mildert College ( Durham ) 范·米爾德特學院
          Higher Institutions 高校名單 Note/備注
          University of East Anglia 東安格利亞大學
          University of East London 東倫敦大學
          Edge Hill University (formerly known as Edge Hill College of Higher Education) 艾芝西爾大學 新增(原為:艾芝西爾高等教育學院)
          University of Edinburgh 愛丁堡大學
          University of Essex 埃塞克斯大學
          University of Exeter 埃克斯特大學
          Higher Institutions 高校名單 Note/備注
          University College Falmouth 福爾茅斯大學學院 新增
          Higher Institutions 高校名單 Note/備注
          University of Glamorgan (Prifysgol Morgannwg) 格拉摩根大學
          University of Glasgow 格拉斯哥大學
          Glasgow Caledonian University 格拉斯哥卡利多尼亞大學
          University of Gloucestershire 格勞塞斯特郡大學 新增
          Goldsmiths College 格爾德史密斯學院 新增
          University of Greenwich 格林威治大學

          Higher Institutions 高校名單 Note/備注
          Harper Adams University College 哈珀亞當斯大學學院
          Henley Management College 亨里管理學院
          Heriot-Watt University 赫里奧特瓦特大學(也稱赫瑞瓦特大學)
          University of Hertfordshire 哈特福德郡大學(也稱赫特福德郡大學)
          Heythrop College 海斯洛普學院 原為被倫敦大學允許可授予倫敦大學學位的學校,學院及專科學院
          University of Huddersfield 哈德斯菲爾德大學
          University of Hull 赫爾大學
          Higher Institutions 高校名單 Note/備注
          Imperial College of Science , Technology and Medicine (also known as Imperial College London) 帝國科技和醫藥學院(即帝國理工學院) 原為被倫敦大學允許可授予倫敦大學學位的學校,學院及專科學院
          Institute of Education 教育學院 原為被倫敦大學允許可授予倫敦大學學位的學校,學院及專科學院
          Higher Institutions 高校名單 Note/備注
          University of Keele 基爾大學
          University of Kent 肯特大學 原為:坎特伯雷肯特大學
          King*s College London 倫敦國王學院 原為被倫敦大學允許可授予倫敦大學學位的學校,學院及專科學院
          Kingston University 金斯頓大學
          Higher Institutions 高校名單 Note/備注
          University of Lancaster 蘭卡斯特大學
          College of Law 法學院 新增
          University of Leeds 利茲大學
          Leeds Metropolitan University 利茲城市大學(也稱利茲都市大學或利茲大都會大學)
          University of Leicester 萊斯特大學
          University of Lincoln 林肯大學 原為:林肯郡和亨伯塞德郡大學
          University of Liverpool 利物浦大學
          Liverpool Hope University 利物浦希望大學 新增
          Liverpool John Moores University 利物浦約漢莫斯大學
          University of London 倫敦大學(包括以下大學學院)
          **British Institute in Paris ( London ) 巴黎英國學院(也稱巴黎大不列顛學院)
          **School of Advanced Study ( London ) 高級研究學院
          **Institute for the Study of the Americas ( London ) 美國研究學院


          **Institute of Advanced Legal Studies ( London ) 高級法律研究學院
          **Institute of Cancer Research ( London ) 癌癥研究學院
          **Institute of Classical Studies ( London ) 古典文學研究學院
          **Institute of Commonwealth Studies ( London ) 聯邦研究學院
          **Institute of English Studies ( London ) 英語研究學院
          **Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies ( London ) 德國研究學院(即日耳曼和羅馬研究學院)
          **Institute of Historical Research ( London ) 歷史研究學院
          **University Marine Biological Station, Millport ( London ) 大學海洋生物站,米爾港
          **Warburg Institute ( London ) 沃爾伯格學院
          London Business School 倫敦商學院 原為被倫敦大學允許可授予倫敦大學學位的學校,學院及專科學院
          London Metropolitan University 倫敦城市大學(也稱倫敦都市大學)
          London School of Economics and Political Science 倫敦政治經濟學院 原為被倫敦大學允許可授予倫敦大學學位的學校,學院及專科學院
          London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 倫敦衛生和熱帶醫藥學院 原為被倫敦大學允許可授予倫敦大學學位的學校,學院及專科學院
          London South Bank University 倫敦南岸大學 新增
          Loughborough University 拉夫堡大學
          University College London 倫敦大學學院 原為被倫敦大學允許可授予倫敦大學學位的學校,學院及專科學院

          Higher Institutions 高校名單 Note/備注
          University of Manchester 曼徹斯特大學(包括以下大學學院)
          Manchester Business School (Part of the Faculty of Humanities of University of Manchester and award degrees through University of Manchester ) 曼徹斯特商學院
          The Manchester Metropolitan University 曼徹斯特城市大學(也稱曼徹斯特都市大學)
          Middlesex University 米德塞克斯大學
          Higher Institutions 高校名單 Note/備注
          Napier University , Edinburgh 龍比亞大學
          University of Newcastle upon Tyne 紐卡斯爾大學
          The University of Northampton 北安普頓大學
          University of Northumbria at Newcastle 紐卡斯爾諾森比亞大學
          University of Nottingham 諾丁漢大學
          Nottingham Trent University 諾丁漢特倫特大學
          Higher Institutions 高校名單 Note/備注
          Open University 開放大學
          University of Oxford 牛津大學 (包括以下大學學院)
          **All Souls College ( Oxford ) 全圣學院
          **Balliol College ( Oxford ) 貝列爾學院
          **Blackfriars ( Oxford ) 布萊克法爾學院
          **Brasenose College ( Oxford ) 布雷斯諾學院
          **Campion Hall ( Oxford ) 坎皮恩學院
          **Christ Church ( Oxford ) 基督教堂學院
          **Corpus Christi College ( Oxford ) 圣體學院
          **Exeter College ( Oxford ) 埃克斯特學院
          **Green College ( Oxford ) 格林學院
          **Greyfriars ( Oxford ) 格雷弗萊爾學院
          **Harris Manchester College ( Oxford ) 哈里斯曼徹斯特學院
          **Hertford College ( Oxford ) 赫特福德學院
          **Jesus College ( Oxford ) 耶穌學院
          **Keble College ( Oxford ) 克伯學院
          **Kellogg College ( Oxford ) 克勞格學院
          **Lady Margaret Hall ( Oxford ) 瑪格麗特夫人學院
          **Linacre College ( Oxford ) 琳納克學院
          **Lincoln College ( Oxford ) 林肯學院
          **Magdalen College ( Oxford ) 曼達琳學院
          **Mansfield College ( Oxford ) 曼斯菲爾德學院
          **Merton College ( Oxford ) 莫頓學院
          **New College ( Oxford ) 新學院
          **Nuffield College ( Oxford ) 紐菲爾德學院
          **Oriel College ( Oxford ) 奧瑞爾學院
          **Pembroke College ( Oxford ) 彭布克羅學院
          **Queen*s College, The ( Oxford ) 女王學院
          **Regent*s Park College ( Oxford ) 瑞金公園學院
          **Somerville College ( Oxford ) 薩莫維爾學院
          **St Anne*s College ( Oxford ) 圣安妮學院
          **St Antony*s College ( Oxford ) 圣安東尼學院
          **St Benet*s Hall ( Oxford ) 圣貝內學院
          **St Catherine*s College ( Oxford ) 圣凱瑟琳學院
          **St Cross College ( Oxford ) 圣克洛斯學院
          **St Edmund Hall ( Oxford ) 圣埃德蒙德學院
          **St Hilda*s College ( Oxford ) 圣希爾達學院
          **St Hugh*s College ( Oxford ) 圣休學院
          **St John*s College ( Oxford ) 圣約翰學院
          **St Peter*s College ( Oxford ) 圣彼得學院
          **St Stephen*s House ( Oxford ) 圣斯蒂芬學院
          **Templeton College ( Oxford ) 坦布利頓學院
          **Trinity College ( Oxford ) 圣三一學院
          **University College ( Oxford ) 大學學院
          **Wadham College ( Oxford ) 伍德翰姆學院
          **Wolfson College ( Oxford ) 沃福森學院
          **Worcester College ( Oxford ) 沃塞斯特學院(也稱伍斯特學院)
          **Wycliffe Hall ( Oxford ) 維克利夫學院
          Oxford Brookes University 牛津布魯克斯大學
          Higher Institutions 高校名單 Note/備注
          University of Paisley 佩斯利大學
          University of Plymouth 普利茅斯大學
          University of Portsmouth 普茨茅斯大學


          Higher Institutions 高校名單 Note/備注
          Queen Margaret University College , Edinburgh 愛丁堡瑪格麗特女王大學學院
          Queen Mary and Westfield College (also known as Queen Mary, University of London ) 瑪麗女王和西菲爾德學院(也稱為倫敦大學瑪麗女王學院 原為被倫敦大學允許可授予倫敦大學學位的學校,學院及專科學院
          The Queen*s University of Belfast 貝爾法斯特女王大學
          Higher Institutions 高校名單 Note/備注
          University of Reading 里丁大學
          The Robert Gordon University 羅伯特戈登大學
          Roehampton University 勞安普頓大學 新增
          Royal Academy of Music 皇家音樂學院
          Royal Agricultural College 皇家農學院
          Royal College of Art 皇家藝術學院
          Royal College of Music 皇家音樂學院
          Royal Holloway and Bedford New College (also known as Royal Holloway, University of London ) 皇家霍洛威和貝德福德新學院(也被稱為倫敦大學皇家霍洛威學院) 原為被倫敦大學允許可授予倫敦大學學位的學校,學院及專科學院
          The Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, Glasgow 格拉斯哥皇家蘇格蘭音樂戲劇學院
          Royal Veterinary College 皇家獸醫學院 原為被倫敦大學允許可授予倫敦大學學位的學校,學院及專科學院



         Higher Institutions 高校名單 Note/備注
          University of Salford 索爾福德大學
          School of Oriental and African Studies 東方和非洲研究學院(也稱亞非研究學院) 原為被倫敦大學允許可授予倫敦大學學位的學校,學院及專科學院
          School of Pharmacy 藥學學院 原為被倫敦大學允許可授予倫敦大學學位的學校,學院及專科學院
          University of Sheffield 謝菲爾德大學
          Sheffield Hallam University 謝菲爾德哈蘭姆大學
          University of Southampton 南安普頓大學
          Southampton Solent University 南安普頓索蘭特大學 新增
          University of St Andrews 圣安德魯斯大學
          St George*s Hospital Medical School 圣喬治醫學學院 原為被倫敦大學允許可授予倫敦大學學位的學校,學院及專科學院
          St Martin’s College (Lancaster) 圣馬丁學院(蘭卡斯特) 新增
          St Mary’s College (Twickenham) 圣瑪麗學院(推肯漢姆) 新增
          Staffordshire University 斯塔福德郡大學
          University of Stirling 斯特靈大學
          University of Strathclyde 斯特拉斯克萊德大學
          University of Sunderland 桑德蘭大學
          University of Surrey 薩里大學
          University of Sussex 薩塞克斯大學
          Higher Institutions 高校名單 Note/備注
          University of Teesside 蒂賽德大學
          Thames Valley University 泰晤士河谷大學
          Higher Institutions 高校名單 Note/備注
          University of Ulster 厄爾斯特大學
          Higher Institutions 高校名單 Note/備注
          University of Wales (Prifysgol Cymru) 威爾士大學(包括以下大學學院)
          **North East Wales Institute ( Wales (Prifysgol Cymru)) 東北威爾士學院
          **Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama ( Wales (Prifysgol Cymru)) 皇家威爾士音樂戲劇學院
          **Swansea Institute of Higher Education ( Wales (Prifysgol Cymru)) 斯旺西高等教育學院
          **Trinity College , Carmarthen ( Wales (Prifysgol Cymru)) 三一學院,卡瑪森
          **University of Wales Institute, Cardiff ( Wales (Prifysgol Cymru)) 威爾士學院大學,卡迪夫
          **University of Wales , Aberystwyth ( Wales (Prifysgol Cymru)) 威爾士大學,艾伯瑞斯特維斯
          **University of Wales , Bangor ( Wales (Prifysgol Cymru)) 威爾士大學,邦格
          **University of Wales , Lampeter ( Wales (Prifysgol Cymru)) 威爾士大學,拉姆皮特
          **University of Wales , Newport ( Wales (Prifysgol Cymru)) 威爾士大學,新港
          **University of Wales , Swansea ( Wales (Prifysgol Cymru)) 威爾士大學,斯旺西
          University of Warwick 華威大學
          University of the West of England , Bristol 西英格蘭大學(布里斯托)
          University of Westminster 西敏斯特大學(也稱威斯敏斯特大學)
          The University of Winchester 溫徹斯特大學 新增
          University of Wolverhampton 沃福漢姆頓大學
          University of Worcester 伍賽斯特大學(也稱伍斯特大學) 原為大學學院
          Higher Institutions 高校名單 Note/備注
          University of York 約克大學
          York St John University (formerly known as York St John College ) 約克圣約翰大學(原稱為約克圣約翰學院) 新增


          Birkbeck College
          Courtauld Institute of Art
          Goldsmiths College
          Heythrop College
          Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
          Institute of Education
          Kings College London
          London Business School
          London School of Economics and Political Science
          London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
          Queen Mary and Westfield College
          Royal Academy of Music
          Royal Holloway
          The Royal Veterinary College
          School of Oriental and African Studies
          School of Pharmacy
          St George''s Hospital Medical School
          University College London
          The Abbey College
          Aberdeen College
          Accent Courses Ltd
          Accent International Language Consultancy
          Active Learning School of English
          Alexanders International School
          Anglia Polytechnic University
          Anglian School of English
          Anglo European School of English
          Anglo European Study Tours Ltd (AEST)
          Anglo-Continental School for Juniors
          Anglo-Continental School of English
          Anglolang Academy of English
          Anniesland College
          Aspect ILA Austen House
          Aspect ILA Cambridge
          Aspect ILA Edinburgh
          Aspect ILA Central London
          Aspect ILA Westbourne College

           Bath Spa University College
          British Association of Boarding School Summer Courses (BABSSCO)
          Barnet College
          Basil Paterson Edinburgh
          Bedford College
          Bedford Study Centre
          BEET Language Centre
          Bell Cambridge
            Bell London
          Bell Norwich
          Bell Saffron Walden
          Bell Young Learners
          Bidbury Greywalls
          Boston College
          Bournemouth and Poole College
          Bournemouth Business School International
          Bournemouth International School
          Bracknell and Wokingham College
          Bradford Community College
          Brasshouse Language Centre
          British Study Centres Brighton
          British Study Centres Oxford
          Broxtowe College
          Buckswood School
          The Burlington School of English
          Cambridge Academy of English
          Cambridge Centre for English Studies
          Cambridge Centre for Languages, Young Learners
          Cambridge Language and Activity Courses
          The Cambridge School of English
          Camden College of English
          Canterbury Christ Church University College
          Canterbury Language Training
          Carl Duisberg Language Centre
          Central School of English
          Centre for English Language Teaching (CELT)
          Channel School of English
          Chelmsford College
          Cheltenham International Language Centre at University of Gloucestershire
          Cheltenham School of English
          Chichester College of Arts, Science and Technology
          Christian English Language Centre
          Churchill House English Home Tuition Courses
          Churchill House School of English Language
          Cicero Languages International
          City College Brighton & Hove
          City College Manchester
          City of Bath College
          City of Bristol College
          Colchester English Study Centre
          Colchester Institute
          Coleg Glan Hafren
          College of North West London
          College of Ripon and York St John
          College of St.Mark and St.John
          Concord College
          Concorde International Business Centre
          Concorde International Summer Schools
          Coventry Technical College English Centre
          Crawley College
          Crest Schools of English
          The Devon School of English
          Discovery Summer Centre
          Dudley College of Technology, the Lexis Centre
          Dundee International College
          Eagle International School
          East Sussex School of English
          Eastbourne School of English
          Eaton Language Centre
          EC Brighton
          The Eckersley School of English
          ECS Scotland
          Edinburgh School of English
          Edinburgh Telford College
          Edwards Language School
          EF Executive
          EF International School of English, Bournemouth
          EF International School of English, Brighton
          EF International School of English, Cambridge
          EF International School of English, London
          The Elizabeth Johnson Organisation (EJO)
          ELS Language Centre (UK) London
          ELT Banbury
          Embassy CES Language and Training Centre, Cambridge
          Embassy CES Language and Training Centre, Hastings
          Embassy CES Language and Training Centre, Hove
          Embassy CES Language and Training Centre, London
          Embassy CES Language and Training Centre, Oxford
          Embassy CES Vacation Course Centres
          English 2000 School of English
          English and Cultural Studies Centres (ECSC)
          English Country School
          The English Experience
          English for You
          English in Chester
          English in Exeter
          English in London (SKOLA)
          English in York / SLS
          English Language Centre
            English Language Centre, Bristol
          English Language Centre, York
          English Language in the Lakes, NAB Cottage
          English Language Institute
          English Language Training
          English Study Tours (SKOLA)
          ETC, Bournemouth
          Eurocentres, Bournemouth
          Eurocentres, Brighton
          Eurocentres, Cambridge
          Eurocentres, Lee Green
          Eurocentres, London Victoria
          Eurocentres, Summer Centres
          European Languages Centre Ltd。
          Excel Communications Ltd
          Excel English Language School Ltd
          Exeter Academy
          Filton College Bristol
          Frances King School of English
          Functional English
          GEOS English Academy
          GEOS English Academy. Formally: Youth Services/Euroaccents
          Glasgow International English and Business School
          Globe English Centre
          Gloucestershire College of Arts and Technology (Gloscat)
          Greylands School of English Ltd
          Hamilton School of English
          Hammersmith and West London College
          Hampstead Garden Suburb Institute
          The Hampstead School of English
          Harrogate Language Academy
          Harrogate Tutorial College
          Harrow College
          Harrow House International College, Swanage
          Harrow House International College, London
          Harven School of English
          Hastings College of Arts and Technology
          Hastings English Language Centre (HELC)
          Heathfield Summer School
          Henley College Coventry
          Hilderstone College
          Huddersfield Technical College
          Hull College
          Hurtwood House
          Inlingua Cheltenham
          Institute of International Education
          Intensive School of English & Business Communication
          Interlink School of English
          International Community School (SKOLA)
          International House Bath
          International House ELCO
          International House London
          International House Newcastle-upon-Tyne
          International House Torquay
          International Language Holidays
          International Language Schools
          International Projects Centre
          International School
          InterNexus Centre for Language Studies
          InTuition Languages
          Isca School of English
          ISIS Brighton
          ISIS Education and Travel
          ISIS Greenwich School/Greenwich School of English
          ITS English School
          Keele University
          Kensington and Chelsea College
          Kent School of English
          King''s School of English, Bournemouth (incorporating King''s Junior School)
          King''s School of English, London
          King''s School Oxford
          Kingston College
          Kingsway English Centre for Professionals
          Lake School of English Oxford
          Language Link
          The Language Project
          Language Specialists International
          Language Studies International, Cambridge
          Language Studies International, Hove
          Language Studies International, London
          Language Studies International, London Central
          Languages Plus/Sprachcaffe
          Leeds Metropolitan University
          Leicester Square School of English
          Lewis School of English
          Lewisham College
          Lines Languages Ltd
           Linguarama, Bath
          Linguarama, London
          Linguarama, Stratford-upon-Avon
          Liverpool Community College
          Liverpool Hope University
          London Guildhall University
          London House School of English
          The London Institute
          London Meridian College
          The London School of English
          London Study Centre
          LTC International College
          Lydbury English Centre
          Malvern House
          Manchester Academy of English
          Manchester College of Arts & Technology (MANCAT)
          Margate Language Centre
          Mayfair School of English
          Mayfield Academy of English
          Mayflower College of English
          Meads School of English
          Melton College
          Mercator Language School
          Meridian School of English
          Middlesbrough College
          Millfield English Language School
          Milner School of English, Wimbledon
          M.L.S. International College
          MM Oxford Study Service
          Multi Lingua

            New College Nottingham
          The New School of English
          Newbold College
          Newcastle College
          North East Surrey College of Technology (NESCOT)
          Norwich Institute for Languages Education (NILE)
          Northbrook College
          Norwich Institute for Language Education (NILE)
          Nottingham Trent University
          Oaklands College
          OISE Intensive Language Schools, Cambridge
          OISE Intensive Language Schools, Oxford
          OISE Intensive Language Schools, Young Language Schools
          Olivet English Language School
          Our World English Schools
          Oxford Brookes University, ICELS
          Oxford and Cherwell College
          The Oxford English Centre
          Oxford House College
          Oxford House School of English
          Oxford School of English

            Padworth College
          Park House Training
          Park Lane College
          Parkland International Language School
          Pembrokeshire College
          Perth College Language School
          Peterborough Regional College
          Pilgrims (year round)
          Pilgrims (summer multicentres)
          Polyglot Language Centre
          Queen Mary, University of London
          Randolph School of English
          Reading College and School of Arts & Design
          Regent Brighton
          Regent Cambridge
          Regent Edinburgh
          Regent Fitzroy
          Regent Language Holidays
          Regent Language Homestay
          Regent London
          Regent Oxford
          Regent Trebinshun
          Richard Language College
          Richmond Adult Community College
          Richmond The American International University in London
          Richmond Upon Thames College

            Salisbury College
          The Salisbury School of English
          Scanbrit School of English
          Scarborough International School
          School of English Studies Folkstone
          Select English Cambridge
          Select English (Formally Angloschool)
          Sels College
          Severnvale Academy
          Shakespeare School of English at Warwickshire College
          Shane Global Village, London
          Shane Global Village, Vacation courses
            Shane Global Village, Bromley
          The Sheffield College
          Sheffield Hallam University TESOL Centre
          Sidmouth International School
          South Leicestershire College
          South Thames College, London
          Southbourne School of English
          Southgate College
          Southwark College
          St Bede''s International Summer School
          St Brelade''s College
          St Clare''s, Oxford
          St Edmund''s College
          St George international
          St Giles College, Brighton
          St Giles College, Eastbourne
          St Giles College, London Central
          St Giles College, London Highgate
          St James Academy
          St John''s Wood School of English
          St Michael''s College
          St Patrick''s International College
          St Peter''s School of English
          Stafford House College and School of English
          Stafford House Study Holidays
          Stanton School of English
          Stevenson College
          The Stratford-upon-Avon School of English Studies
          Students International
          Studio Cambridge(Year Round Centre)
          Studio Cambridge Young Learners
          SuperStudy UK
          Sussex Downs College
          Sussex English Language School
          Suzanne Sparrow Plymouth Language School
          The Swan School of English, Oxford
          Swandean School of English, Wimbledon
          Swandean School of English, Worthing
          Taunton International Study Centre
          Thames Valley Cultural Centres
          Thanet College
          Thurrock & Basildon College
          Torbay Language Centre
          Torquay International School
          Totnes School of English
          Tresham Institute
          Twin English Centre Eastbourne
          Twin English Centre Salisbury
          UCL Language Centre
          United International College
          Universal Language Services
          University College Chichester
          University College Northanpton
          The University College of St Mark and St John
          University of Birmingham
          University of Brighton
          University of Dundee, Centre for Applied Language Studies
          University of East Anglia
          University of Edinburgh
          University of Leeds Language Centre
          University of Luton
          University of Manchester
          University of Portsmouth Language Centre
          University of Salford
          University of Sheffield
          University of Ulster, CELT (Centre for English Language Teaching)

          University of Wales, Aberystwyth Language and Learning Centre
          University of Wales, Swansea, CALS (Centre for Applied Language Studies)
          University of Westminster
          University of Wolverhampton
          Uxbridge College
          Vacational Studies
          Victoria School of English
          Waltham Forest College
          Wessex Academy School of English
          West Cheshire College
          West Sussex School of English
          Westbourne Academy
          Westminster Kingsway College
          Wigan and Leigh College
          South Leicestershire College
          Wimbledon School of English
          Winchester School of English
          Wirral Metropolitan College
          Witan Hall International College
          YES Education Centre


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