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來源:威久留學     責任編輯:留學專家    瀏覽:732次

【導讀】:10月23日英國頂尖學府倫敦大學皇家霍洛威學院(Royal Holloway, University of London)Nathan Whittaker (Regional Manager, China and East Asia)和Sarah Parker將拜訪威久廣州分公司,對學生進行現場面試。有意向的同學千萬不要錯過機會!


10月23日英國頂尖學府倫敦大學皇家霍洛威學院(Royal Holloway, University of London)Nathan Whittaker (Regional Manager, China and East Asia)和Sarah Parker將拜訪威久廣州分公司,對學生進行現場面試。有意向的同學千萬不要錯過機會!

活動時間:10月23日(星期一) 14:00-15:00


預約電話:020-38909783 在線預約報名>>>


面試官:Nathan Whittaker (Regional Manager, China and East Asia)和Sarah Parker


 Nathan Whittaker, Regional Manager (China and East Asia)

Royal Holloway, University of London

Nathan Whittaker is anInternational Manager at Royal Holloway, University of London who partners with Wisewayto help Chinese studentsachieve their goal of studying at a top UK university. After a decade of living, studyingand working in China, Nathanhas a deep understanding of the information needs and concerns facing Chinese students who wish to study abroad. He is passionate about helping young people to realise their full potential as well as connecting different cultures through education.

Nathan has represented over 15 British and American universities across China and also spent time working at Chinese High Schools with students preparing to sit the gaokao examination. He first moved to China in 2007, living in Chengde, Hebei and quickly fell in love with Chinese culture. Since then, Nathan has lived in Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai, travelling widely throughout the country.

He also has an academic interest on the rise of China, holding a Master of Research in Chinese Studies from Edinburgh University and Nankai University, specialising in socio-political studies. Nathan also holds an undergraduate degree in Management from the University of Birmingham.


Sarah Parker, International Student Recruitment Regional Manager

Royal Holloway, University of London

Sarah Parker is an International Student Recruitment Regional Manager who has been closely working with educational agents, advocacy organisations, and funding bodies. Sarah has a wide range of international experience having lived, worked, and studied in the United States, Samoa, China, and the United Kingdom. From her experience studying as an international student in the UK, Sarah is dedicated to not only helping international students, but also passionate about promoting the United Kingdom as a great place to study.

Sarah has been working at Royal Holloway, University of London for almost two years. She began her career at Royal Holloway on the Admissions Team and is now working as a Regional Manager helping international students based in the UK, Latin America, Taiwan, and Vietnam. Previously Sarah was a Foreign Language teacher at Nanjing Foreign Language and taught English to students in Samoa.

 Sarah holds a BA in Political Science from the University of Arizona, a MA in International Relations and World Order from the University of Leicester, and received the U.S. Department of State's Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship to study abroad at Nanjing University for a semester.


倫敦大學皇家霍洛威學院(Royal Holloway, University of London),簡稱皇家霍洛威(RHUL),是坐落于于英國首都倫敦郊區的世界一流大學。RHUL始建于1886年,維多利亞女王親自授予其皇家特許狀并主持了開校典禮。皇家霍洛威學院于1900年加入倫敦大學,成為獨立組成學院之一,并且作為倫敦大學選定專門進行科學教學與研究的五所院校之一。1986年伊麗莎白二世女王又于該校100周年校慶之際主持了其與貝德福德學院(1849年成立)的合并典禮。

皇家霍洛威是英國頂尖學府,是著名1994大學集團的成員,全球1%的精英大學,世界150強名校。由于古老的哥特式紅磚建筑和開闊碧綠的園林,皇家霍洛威學院被《每日電訊報》(The Daily Telegraph)評為十大英國最美校園,以及全球最美十六大校園之一。管理學院,經濟學院,傳媒和藝術學院,計算機學院處于全英一流水準,尤其是該校的信息安全課程(information Security)為全球第一。影視制作、影視劇本寫作、記錄片制作、戲劇制、導演、戲劇表演等專業均為實操型專業,在全英享有很高的聲譽。


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