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        來源:威久留學     責任編輯:留學專家    瀏覽:3268次



        《美國新聞與世界報道》(US News & World Report)發布了最新2017美國大學教育學院排名,這對于那些想去美國留學讀教育專業的同學來說具有一定的參考價值。下面威久留學專家為大家帶來2017USNews美國大學教育學院排名,供大家參考。


        排名 英文學校 中文學校 學費 錄取人數 GRE閱讀均分(博士) GRE閱讀均分(博士) 博士錄取率
        #1 Stanford University 斯坦福大學 $45,729per year (full-time) 373 164 162 4.7%
        #2Tie Harvard University 哈佛大學 $43,280per year (full-time) 891 165 161 4.9%
        #2Tie Johns Hopkins University 約翰?霍普金斯大學 $1,000per credit (full-time) 2,161 163 161 19.5%
        #4 University of Wisconsin—?Madison 威斯康星大學-麥迪遜校區 $11,870per year (in-state, full-time); $25,197per year (out-of-state, full-time) 1,030 155 152 31.3%
        #5 Vanderbilt University (Peabody) 范德堡大學 $1,818per credit (full-time) 908 164 159 5.2%
        #6 University of Pennsylvania 賓夕法尼亞大學 $47,364per year (full-time) 1,140 161 159 4.5%
        #7 Teachers College, Columbia University 哥倫比亞大學 $1,454per credit (full-time) 4,920 159 156 14.6%
        #8Tie Northwestern University 西北大學 $48,624per year (full-time) 318 163 158 7.5%
        #8Tie University of Washington 華盛頓大學 $16,536per year (in-state, full-time); $29,742per year (out-of-state, full-time) 938 156 152 29.7%
        #10 University of Texas—?Austin 德克薩斯大學-奧斯汀校區 $8,402per year (in-state, full-time); $16,338per year (out-of-state, full-time) 1,025 155 152 28.4%
        #11 University of California—?Los Angeles 加州大學洛杉磯校區 $11,220per year (in-state, full-time); $26,322per year (out-of-state, full-time) 686 156 158 27.7%
        #12Tie University of Michigan—?Ann Arbor 密歇根大學——安娜堡校區 $21,040per year (in-state, full-time); $42,530per year (out-of-state, full-time) 524 159 155 15.8%
        #12Tie University of Oregon 俄勒岡大學 $16,032per year (in-state, full-time); $22,752per year (out-of-state, full-time) 592 158 153 19.3%
        #14 Arizona State University 亞利桑那州立大學 $10,610per year (in-state, full-time); $27,086per year (out-of-state, full-time) 2,627 158 153 21.1%
        #15Tie Michigan State University 密歇根州立大學 $705per credit (in-state, full-time); $1,353per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 1,862 156 153 33.8%
        #15Tie New York University (Steinhardt) 紐約大學 $36,912per year (full-time) 3,117 159 154 8.6%
        #15Tie University of Kansas 堪薩斯大學 $378per credit (in-state, full-time); $881per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 1,209 155 155 44.2%
        #18Tie Ohio State University 俄亥俄州立大學 $11,560per year (in-state, full-time); $31,032per year (out-of-state, full-time) 989 154 152 44.2%
        #18Tie University of California—?Berkeley 加州大學伯克利校區 $11,220per year (in-state, full-time); $26,322per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 343 158 154 8.8%
        #20 University of Minnesota—?Twin Cities 明尼蘇達大學--雙城校區 $15,844per year (in-state, full-time); $24,508per year (out-of-state, full-time) 1,861 157 152 36.1%
        #21Tie University of Southern California (Rossier) 南加州大學 $1,666per credit (full-time) 1,866 161 157 15.6%
        #21Tie University of Virginia (Curry) 弗吉尼亞大學 $14,856per year (in-state, full-time); $24,288per year (out-of-state, full-time) 937 159 156 17.3%
        #23Tie Boston College (Lynch) 波士頓學院 $1,310per credit (full-time) 793 161 155 13.9%
        #23Tie University of Illinois—?Urbana-?Champaign 伊利諾伊大學香檳分校 $12,060per year (in-state, full-time); $26,058per year (out-of-state, full-time) 792 160 155 18%
        #25 University of California—?Irvine 加州大學歐文校區 $11,220per year (in-state, full-time); $26,322per year (out-of-state, full-time) 274 160 159 15.9%
        #26Tie University of Connecticut (Neag) 康涅狄格大學 $12,834per year (in-state, full-time); $33,300per year (out-of-state, full-time) 720 157 154 25.8%
        #26Tie University of Maryland—?College Park 馬里蘭大學 $632per credit (in-state, full-time); $1,363per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 992 160 156 21.3%
        #28Tie Indiana University—?Bloomington 印第安納大學伯明頓分校 $416per credit (in-state, full-time); $1,222per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 925 154 150 44.7%
        #28Tie University of Colorado—?Boulder 科羅拉多大學波爾德校區 $10,530per year (in-state, full-time); $27,828per year (out-of-state, full-time) 345 160 153 13.9%
        #30Tie University of Florida 佛羅里達大學 $449per credit (in-state, full-time); $1,253per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 1,088 153 155 48.8%
        #30Tie University of Pittsburgh 匹茲堡大學 $21,260per year (in-state, full-time); $34,944per year (out-of-state, full-time) 943 161 153 45.7%
        #30Tie Utah State University 猶他州立大學  $5,143per year (in-state, full-time); $18,002per year (out-of-state, full-time) 956 156 152 28.4%
        #33 Virginia Commonwealth University 佛吉尼亞聯邦大學 $10,921per year (in-state, full-time); $21,469per year (out-of-state, full-time) 818 156 151 55%
        #34 University of Georgia 佐治亞大學 $8,492per year (in-state, full-time); $24,090per year (out-of-state, full-time) 1,636 153 153 38.5%
        #35Tie University of Delaware 特拉華大學 $625per credit (in-state, full-time); $1,674per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 294 157 157 44.8%
        #35Tie University of North Carolina—?Chapel Hill 北卡羅來納大學——教堂山校區 $9,143per year (in-state, full-time); $26,354per year (out-of-state, full-time) 436 158 154 26%
        #37Tie Florida State University 佛羅里達州立大學 $404per credit (in-state, full-time); $1,035per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 1,048 154 151 40%
        #37Tie Pennsylvania State University—?University Park 賓夕法尼亞州立大學 $19,328per year (in-state, full-time); $33,142per year (out-of-state, full-time) 1,297 154 152 35.8%
        #39Tie Texas A&M University—?College Station 德州農工大學 $241per credit (in-state, full-time); $638per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 1,568 152 152 56.3%
        #39Tie University of Nebraska—?Lincoln 內布拉斯加大學林肯分校 $290per credit (in-state, full-time); $830per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 954 154 151 29.2%
        #41 University of Illinois—?Chicago 伊利諾斯大學芝加哥分校 $11,480per year (in-state, full-time); $23,720per year (out-of-state, full-time) 676 155 152 51.2%
        #42Tie Purdue University—?West Lafayette 普渡大學西拉法葉校區 $9,208per year (in-state, full-time); $28,010per year (out-of-state, full-time) 604 154 153 44.8%
        #42Tie University of Iowa 愛荷華大學 $9,788per year (in-state, full-time); $26,698per year (out-of-state, full-time) 716 153 153 45.3%
        #42Tie University of Massachusetts—?Amherst 麻省大學阿默斯特分校 $110per credit (in-state, full-time); $414per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 604 155 152 43.9%
        #45Tie Boston University 波士頓大學 $47,422per year (full-time) 507 156 152 25%
        #45Tie Fordham University 福特漢姆大學 $1,302per credit (full-time) 958 165 160 39.3%
        #45Tie George Washington University 喬治華盛頓大學 $1,530per credit (full-time) 1,422 157 151 50.2%
        #45Tie University of Missouri 密蘇里大學 $350per credit (in-state, full-time); $937per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 1,501 153 149 33.1%
        #49Tie Lehigh University 里海大學 $565per credit (full-time) 463 158 157 18.9%
        #49Tie University of California—?Santa Barbara (Gevirtz) 加州大學圣塔巴巴拉校區 $13,194per year (in-state, full-time); $28,296per year (out-of-state, full-time) 328 157 153 0.177
        #51Tie George Mason University 喬治梅森大學 $340per credit (in-state, full-time); $572per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 2,216 152 147 41.8%
        #51Tie North Carolina State University—?Raleigh 北卡羅來納州立大學 $10,222per year (in-state, full-time); $24,322per year (out-of-state, full-time) 1,187 155 151 27.8%
        #51Tie University of California—?Davis 加州大學-戴維斯校區 $13,165per year (in-state, full-time); $28,267per year (out-of-state, full-time) 416 150 144 30.4%
        #51Tie University of Utah 猶他大學 $5,760per year (in-state, full-time); $20,334per year (out-of-state, full-time) 627 160 158 35.7%
        #55Tie College of William and Mary 威廉瑪麗學院 $8,009per year (in-state, full-time); $23,752per year (out-of-state, full-time) 387 159 152 58.3%
        #55Tie Syracuse University 雪城大學 $1,388per credit (full-time) 621 152 149 40.9%
        #55Tie Temple University 天普大學 $853per credit (in-state, full-time); $1,169per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 885 155 150 18.9%
        #55Tie University of Arizona 亞利桑那大學 $12,000per year (in-state, full-time); $30,400per year (out-of-state, full-time) 770 151 149 57.7%
        #59Tie Georgia State University 佐治亞州立大學 $382per credit (in-state, full-time); $1,243per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 1,347 155 151 29.4%
        #59Tie Tufts University 塔夫茨大學 $41,152per year (full-time) 147 162 163 21.1%
        #59Tie University of Kentucky 肯塔基大學 $11,652per year (in-state, full-time); $26,154per year (out-of-state, full-time) 783 153 152 48.9%
        #62Tie Loyola Marymount University 洛約拉馬利蒙特分校 $1,123per credit (full-time) 1,321 156 149 26.9%
        #62Tie Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey—?New Brunswick 羅格斯大學新布朗斯維克分校 $16,272per year (in-state, full-time); $27,648per year (out-of-state, full-time) 1,023 158 152 49.1%
        #62Tie University of California—?Riverside 加州大學河濱校區 $11,220per year (in-state, full-time); $26,322per year (out-of-state, full-time) 246 158 154 20.7%
        #62Tie University of Tennessee—?Knoxville 田納西大學 $10,618per year (in-state, full-time); $28,808per year (out-of-state, full-time) 686 154 152 60%
        #66Tie University at Albany—?SUNY 紐約州立大學阿爾巴尼分校 $10,870per year (in-state, full-time); $22,210per year (out-of-state, full-time) 862 153 151 37.8%
        #66Tie University of Hawaii—?Manoa 夏威夷大學 $637per credit (in-state, full-time); $1,532per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 873 155 148 61.7%
        #66Tie University of Vermont 佛蒙特大學 $10,998per year (in-state, full-time); $27,792per year (out-of-state, full-time) 268 155 149 67.7%
        #69Tie San Diego State University 圣地亞哥州立大學 $6,738per year (in-state, full-time); $372per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 1,174 149 144 73.3%
        #69Tie University of Miami 邁阿密大學 $1,850per credit (full-time) 389 154 149 26.7%
        #71Tie Boise State University 博伊西州立大學 $6,058per year (in-state, full-time); $20,108per year (out-of-state, full-time) 1,245 155 150 32%
        #71Tie University at Buffalo—?SUNY 紐約州立大學巴弗洛分校 $10,870per year (in-state, full-time); $22,210per year (out-of-state, full-time) 1,023 152 151 50.5%
        #71Tie University of Massachusetts—?Boston 麻省大學波士頓分校 $2,590per year (in-state, full-time); $9,758per year (out-of-state, full-time) 1,000 160 153 38.8%
        #74Tie Auburn University 奧本大學 $8,802per year (in-state, full-time); $26,406per year (out-of-state, full-time) 996 150 147 37.8%
        #74Tie Clemson University (Moore) 克萊姆森大學 $3,652per year (in-state, full-time); $7,695per year (out-of-state, full-time) 611 154 147 45.8%
        #74Tie University of California—?San Diego 加州大學-圣地亞哥校區 $11,220per year (in-state, full-time); $26,322per year (out-of-state, full-time) 152 155 147 57.1%
        #74Tie University of Wisconsin—?Milwaukee 威斯康辛大學 $11,725per year (in-state, full-time); $24,762per year (out-of-state, full-time) 671 154 149 31.5%
        #78Tie Baylor University 貝勒大學 $1,515per credit (full-time) 177 156 152 46.2%
        #78Tie Brigham Young University—?Provo (McKay) 楊伯翰大學 $6,500per year (LDS member, full-time); $13,000per year (Non-LDS member, full-time) 326 155 149 31.3%
        #78Tie Iowa State University 愛荷華州立大學 $8,130per year (in-state, full-time); $21,054per year (out-of-state, full-time) 405 152 147 40.3%
        #78Tie University of California—?Santa Cruz 加州大學圣克魯茲校區 $11,220per year (in-state, full-time); $26,322per year (out-of-state, full-time) 106 158 157 31.4%
        #78Tie University of Louisville 路易斯維爾大學 $11,664per year (in-state, full-time); $24,274per year (out-of-state, full-time) 1,085 153 148 35.5%
        #78Tie University of North Carolina—?Greensboro 北卡羅來納大學 $4,873per year (in-state, full-time); $18,322per year (out-of-state, full-time) 935 154 148 38%
        #78Tie University of Oklahoma (Rainbolt) 奧克拉荷馬大學 $4,577per year (in-state, full-time); $17,758per year (out-of-state, full-time) 776 152 148 41.6%
        #78Tie University of South Carolina 南卡羅來納大學 $12,384per year (in-state, full-time); $26,532per year (out-of-state, full-time) 1,269 154 150 37%
        #78Tie University of South Florida 南佛羅里達大學 $431per credit (in-state, full-time); $877per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 1,240 152 147 61.6%
        #78Tie Virginia Tech 弗吉尼亞理工大學 $12,127per year (in-state, full-time); $24,388per year (out-of-state, full-time) 685 153 147 48.4%
        #78Tie Washington University in St. Louis 圣路易斯華盛頓大學 $47,300per year (full-time) 32 154 152 16.7%
        #89Tie Kansas State University 堪薩斯州立大學 $478per credit (in-state, full-time); $957per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 947 152 147 70.7%
        #89Tie University of North Carolina—?Charlotte 北卡羅來納大學夏洛特分校 $4,128per year (in-state, full-time); $16,799per year (out-of-state, full-time) 1,362 151 145 54.4%
        #91Tie University of Arkansas—?Fayetteville 阿肯色大學 $399per credit (in-state, full-time); $987per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 1,077 150 146 82.5%
        #91Tie University of Central Florida 中央佛羅里達大學 $288per credit (in-state, full-time); $1,073per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 1,844 154 150 39.2%
        #93Tie Ball State University 鮑爾州立大學 $386per credit (in-state, full-time); $1,059per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 2,805 151 147 32.7%
        #93Tie Montclair State University 蒙特克萊爾州立大學 $564per credit (in-state, full-time); $854per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 2,048 157 149 50%
        #93Tie University of Cincinnati 辛辛那提大學 $12,790per year (in-state, full-time); $24,532per year (out-of-state, full-time) 1,591 154 152 23.1%
        #93Tie University of Maine 緬因大學 $418per credit (in-state, full-time); $1,330per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 341 N/A N/A 10%
        #93Tie University of Mississippi 密西西比大學 $408per credit (in-state, full-time); $1,143per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 601 151 145 64%
        #93Tie University of San Diego 圣地亞哥大學 $1,370per credit (full-time) 711 155 151 45.3%
        #99Tie Louisiana State University—?Baton Rouge 路易斯安那州立大學巴吞魯日分校 $8,423per year (in-state, full-time); $25,643per year (out-of-state, full-time) 469 151 145 59.1%
        #99Tie Loyola University Chicago 洛約拉芝加哥大學 $930per credit (full-time) 666 154 147 27%
        #99Tie Mills College 密爾斯學院 $31,620per year (full-time) 214 N/A N/A 55.8%
        #99Tie Ohio University 俄亥俄大學 $10,536per year (in-state, full-time); $19,500per year (out-of-state, full-time) 838 148 147 39.8%
        #99Tie Southern Illinois University—?Carbondale 南伊利諾伊卡本代爾大學 $1,326per credit (in-state, full-time); $1,952per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 971 140 145 96.8%
        #99Tie Towson University 陶森大學 $372per credit (in-state, full-time); $770per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 1,381 157 149 42.4%
        #99Tie University of Colorado—?Denver 科羅拉多大學丹佛分校 $356per credit (in-state, full-time); $1,207per credit (out-of-state, full-time) 1,365 N/A N/A 69.5%
        #99Tie West Virginia University 西弗吉尼亞大學 $7,866per year (in-state, full-time); $21,690per year (out-of-state, full-time) 965 154 148 0.345

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