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        來源:威久留學     責任編輯:留學專家    瀏覽:2653次




        排名 綜合排名 大學 城市
        1 47 Coventry University Coventry
        2 49 Harper Adams University Newport
        3 51 Royal Agricultural University Cirencester
        4 53 De Montfort University Leicester
        5 54 Nottingham Trent University Nottingham
        6 55 Oxford Brookes University Oxford
        7 56 Falmouth University Falmouth
        8 58 Bath Spa University Bath
        9 59 University of Portsmouth Portsmouth
        10 61 Norwich University of the Arts Norwich
        11= 62= University for the Creative Arts Farnham
        11= 62= University of Lincoln Lincoln
        13= 64= University of Winchester Winchester
        13= 64= Northumbria University Newcastle upon Tyne
        15 68 Edge Hill University Ormskirk
        16= 69= Robert Gordon University Aberdeen
        16= 69= University of Chichester Chichester
        16= 69= University of Huddersfield Huddersfield
        19 72 Sheffield Hallam University Sheffield
        20 73 University of the West of England Bristol
        21 74 Liverpool John Moores University Liverpool
        22 76 University of Hertfordshire Hatfield
        23 77 Manchester Metropolitan University Manchester
        24 78 Roehampton University London
        25 79= Liverpool Hope University Liverpool
        26 81 Arts University Bournemouth Poole
        27= 82= Bournemouth University Poole
        27= 82= University of Northampton Northampton
        29 84 University of Derby Derby
        30 85= Middlesex University London
        31 87 University of Chester Chester
        32 88 University of Gloucestershire Cheltenham
        33 89 York St John University York
        34 90 University of Brighton Brighton
        35 91 Leeds Trinity University Leeds
        36 92 University of Central Lancashire Preston
        37 93 Edinburgh Napier University Edinburgh
        38 94 Glasgow Caledonian University Glasgow
        39 95 Staffordshire University Stoke-on-Trent
        40 96 Queen Margaret University Edinburgh Musselburgh
        41 97 Abertay University Dundee
        42 99 University of the Arts London London
        43= 100= St Mary's University, Twickenham Twickenham
        43= 100= University of Worcester Worcester
        45 102 Teesside University Middlesbrough
        46 103 Cardiff Metropolitan University Cardiff
        47 104 University of Sunderland Sunderland
        48 105 Birmingham City University Birmingham
        49 106 University of Greenwich Greenwich
        50 107 Canterbury Christ Church University Canterbury
        51 108 Anglia Ruskin University Chelmsford
        52 109 Buckinghamshire New University High Wycombe
        53 110 University of Bedfordshire Luton
        54 111 Kingston University Kingston upon Thames
        55= 112= Bishop Grosseteste University Lincoln
        55= 112= University of South Wales Pontypridd
        57 114 Leeds Beckett University Leeds
        58= 115= Southampton Solent University Southampton
        58= 115= University of Westminster London
        58= 115= Newman University, Birmingham Birmingham
        61 118 University of the West of Scotland Paisley
        62 119 University of Cumbria Carlisle
        63 120 London South Bank University London
        64 121 University of West London London
        65 122 Glyndwr University Wrexham
        66= 123= University of Bolton Bolton
        66= 123= University of St Mark & St John, Plymouth Plymouth
        68 125 London Metropolitan University London
        69 126 University of the Highlands and Islands Inverness
        70 127 University of East London London

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