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        來源:威久留學     責任編輯:留學專家    瀏覽:2054次





        排名 綜合排名 學校 學生滿意度 研究水平 錄取率 就業率 總分
        1 8 University of Warwick 90.9 48.3 491 63.9 100.0
        2 37 Queen Mary, University of London 91.8 63.3 466 56.1 99.6
        3 7 University of Exeter 94.0 48.3 435 67.8 98.9
        4 21 University of Sheffield 89.3 38.3 400 69.8 93.2
        5 15 University of Birmingham 82.1 31.7 411 79.3 92.1
        6 12 Lancaster University 85.3 43.3 393 68.5 91.6
        7 28 University of Manchester 87.3 58.3 395 54.0 91.4
        8 26 University of Glasgow 83.4 55.0 478 43.7 91.3
        9 30 University of Kent 85.7 46.7 381 65.5 90.8
        10 11 University of Surrey 85.0 33.3 365 77.9 90.4
        11 17 University of Leeds 88.0 36.7 413 55.5 88.9
        12 34= Royal Holloway, University of London 78.7 48.3 410 59.5 88.1
        13 19 University of Bristol 66.2 55.0 444 65.0 87.7
        14 16 University of York 71.1 55.0 439 56.5 87.2
        15 32 University of Essex 93.9 25.0 366 56.5 86.5
        16 25 University of Sussex 94.5   428 58.8 86.4
        17 22= University of Edinburgh 75.7 50.0 410 52.9 85.3
        18 33 University of Reading 86.1 38.3 368 53.8 85.1
        19 42 Coventry University 84.4 23.3 380 61.7 84.4
        20 22= University of Nottingham 87.0 31.7 364 54.6 84.1
        21 14 University of East Anglia 90.5   468 47.1 83.8
        22 13 Loughborough University 76.9 23.3 411 62.5 83.3
        23 - Central School of Speech and Drama 80.0 28.3 360 61.3 82.0
        24 75 Middlesex University 83.8 31.7 330 56.6 81.1
        25 90 Cardiff Metropolitan University 95.2   302 65.3 80.5
        26 73 Roehampton University 81.5 46.0 312 51.9 80.4
        27 54 De Montfort University 83.9 30.0 339 49.8 79.4
        28 60 University of Lincoln 83.1 10.0 334 64.5 79.0
        29 59 Arts University Bournemouth 79.7 3.3 339 69.2 77.8
        30 - Royal Conservatoire of Scotland 83.3   323 68.2 77.4
        31 89 Manchester Metropolitan University 80.4 13.3 379 49.0 76.8
        32 38 Queen's University, Belfast 82.6 28.3 368 37.2 76.7
        33 58 University of Hull 83.8 25.0 333 43.7 76.2
        34= 55 Goldsmiths, University of London 75.2 35.0 345 45.8 75.7
        34= 65 University of Chichester 85.5 13.3 337 46.8 75.7
        34= 44 University of Aberdeen 78.6 31.7   44.4 75.7
        37 56 University of Northampton 90.5 8.3 292 49.7 74.9
        38 91= Birmingham City University 83.3   336 56.4 74.8
        39= 82 University of Brighton 75.5 45.0 316 39.9 74.4
        39= 70 Bath Spa University 82.1   361 51.5 74.4
        41 67 University of Chester 83.3 13.3 298 52.9 74.0
        42 52 Nottingham Trent University 83.0   356 49.0 73.8
        43 97 Edinburgh Napier University 78.6   370 51.6 73.5
        44 47 Brunel University London 83.3 23.3 328 37.1 73.4
        45 77= University of Central Lancashire 82.7   333 52.8 73.3
        46 93 Aberystwyth University 72.8 40.0 322 42.3 73.2
        47 79 University of Hertfordshire 76.9 8.3 362 47.2 72.7
        48 61 University of Winchester 78.5 15.0 345 42.5 72.3
        49 68 University of the West of England 79.1   339 53.2 72.2
        50 83 University of Gloucestershire 85.1   290 54.3 72.1
        51 51 Falmouth University 74.1   300 68.5 72.0
        52 77= University of Huddersfield 78.8   335 53.2 71.8
        53 66 Northumbria University 81.7   364 41.2 71.4
        54 119 University of East London 73.9 15.0 364 41.5 71.1
        55 124= Norwich University of the Arts 80.3   295 56.4 70.9
        56= 112 University of Westminster 84.2   309 46.8 70.7
        56= 117 Kingston University 79.4 15.0 329 39.3 70.7
        58 71 Liverpool John Moores University 82.5   356 38.1 70.4
        59 50 Bangor University 82.6   277 54.8 70.3
        60 57 University of Portsmouth 78.4 3.3 330 46.6 70.1
        61 81 University of Derby 82.7   305 45.6 69.4
        62 120 University of Bolton 84.9   314 40.0 69.3
        63 80 Plymouth University 75.7 20.5 353 30.4 69.1
        64 100 St Mary's University, Twickenham 79.3   322 45.1 68.9
        65 111 Leeds Metropolitan University 81.0   268 53.0 68.5
        66 118 University of the West of Scotland 81.5   344 35.5 68.4
        67 99 University of Sunderland 84.9 8.3 289 36.2 68.3
        68 108 University of Bedfordshire 80.7 23.3 265 35.2 67.7
        69 69 University of Ulster 89.5   308 28.1 67.5
        70 114 University of South Wales 70.2 13.3 322 44.7 67.4
        71 88 Bournemouth University 61.7   388 51.8 67.2
        72 85 University of the Arts London 67.3   348 51.3 67.0
        73 62 Sheffield Hallam University 78.2   327 38.9 66.9
        74 74 University for the Creative Arts 71.9   318 50.0 66.8
        75= 98 University of Greenwich 73.9   342 41.1 66.6
        75= 96 Canterbury Christ Church University 84.4   282 38.4 66.6
        77 94 Teesside University 82.8   299 33.8 65.7
        78 101 Staffordshire University 82.1 11.7 265 34.0 65.6
        79= 72 Edge Hill University 77.3   329 35.2 65.5
        79= 95 University of Cumbria 87.9   294 26.6 65.5
        81= 115 Southampton Solent University 76.0   317 38.2 65.1
        81= 105 University of Salford 59.7 10.0 392 39.6 65.1
        83 110 Anglia Ruskin University 77.5   294 38.0 64.3
        84 123 London Metropolitan University 74.8 8.3   35.7 63.8
        85 87 York St John University 63.9 15.0 305 44.3 63.7
        86 86 Queen Margaret University Edinburgh 61.5 0.0 361 43.2 62.9
        87 109 University of West London 61.2   292 56.6 62.3
        88 107 University of Worcester 72.0   307 35.6 61.9
        89= 113 Glyndwr University 72.7   265 43.6 61.8
        89= 122 London South Bank University 76.8   248 41.0 61.8
        91 102= Bishop Grosseteste University 77.7   263 34.4 61.3
        92 104 Newman University, Birmingham 82.0   263 23.1 59.9
        93 116 Buckinghamshire New University 60.7   274 37.2 55.3

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