[專家指點] 留學材料中資助人聲明的寫作技巧
        來源: 點擊數: 錄入時間:08-07-29 14:59:15



          資助聲明,英文為Statement of Financial Support,其中第一段為資助人簡要的自我介紹,例如:

          I am XXXX, 48 years old, coming from Beijing. I graduated from senior high school in 1975 and began my career from then on. Now I am assuming the post of General Manager of Beijing XXXX Co., Ltd.


          From 1975 to 1993, I worked in Beijing XXXX Factory, performing excellently and gaining awards many times. From 1993 to 1998, I established Beijing XXXX Factory with self-raised capital and assumed the duty of Factory Director. In 1998, the factory was renamed Beijing XXXX Co., Ltd. and is running in good order at present. I am the General Manager of this company, occupying 80% of the shares. Our items of business cover manufacturing wooden packaging tanks for both domestic use and export, technique service and transport through cables, fiber-optic cable, axis machines and so on.

          On the basis of emphasizing on faith, quality and development, our company has enlarged our market gradually in so many years and keeps running in good order now. I have confidence in our company’s stable development and prosperous outlook. Our annual production value has increased to RMB5 million Yuan in 2005 from RMB600,000 Yuan in 1993. Besides, we have also won great popularity as well as trust among our customers with our good service, making considerable contributions for the export industry of Beijing.

          Hence since the founding of the company, my annual income has reached RMBXXXX Yuan on average, and my wife and I have already saved RMB300,000 Yuan in Beijing Industrial and Commercial Bank as startup fund for our son’s overseas education.



          With the rapid development the world’s science and technology and the continuous detailization of the modern management, as the applicant’s father, I respect his overseas studies very much and sincerely hope to provide financial support for his postgraduate program in your country, which is a further study of his major at university and quite suitable for his future development.


          I hope my son XXXX would treasure his youth and make full use of the overseas studies offered by your country. I also expect that he would work hard, obey your laws, respect and learn from your friendly people and improve his overall quality. I will be very glad to see his early return with outstanding achievements and great contributions to our country in the future.


        責任編輯:doris 文章作者:

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