Pre-departure Briefings 2006 by British Council
        來源: 點擊數: 錄入時間:07-03-15 13:53:58

        Dear Applicants

        The British Council in China will be holding a series of pre-departure
        briefings in various cities throughout China.

        The briefings are aimed at students who are planning to study in the UK this
        October and will cover a variety of issues including things like travelling
        to the UK; life as a student; the differences in culture and education
        between the UK and China , as well as good tips on how to save money while
        in the UK.

        They will also provide you with a good opportunity to meet other people who
        are also planning to study in the UK this year and UK alumni who will be
        able to share their experiences. The details of the events are provided
        below . Please contact the British Council if you would like to register
        for the event.

        I would also like to remind you that the International Office at York is on
        hand to answer any questions you may have so please feel free to contact us.

        Hope to see you all in October!

        Pre-departure Briefings 2006

        Shanghai 14:00-17:00 Sat. June 17 and Sat. Aug 05
        Ballroom, 3F, Four Seasons Hotel, 500 Weihai

        Hangzhou 14:00-17:00 Sat. July 15
        Four Seasons Hall, 3F, Radisson Plaza Hotel, 333 Ti Yu
        Chang Road

        Nanjing 14:00-17:00 Sat. July 22
        Yangtze Hall, 2F, Jinling Hotel, Xin Jie Kou

        The briefings will provide pre-departure orientation information to students
        who are going to study in the UK this summer.

        Pre-departure briefings will also take place in other cities throughout
        China in addition to the ones listed above. These will include: Xi'an,
        Wuhan, Dalian, Qingdao, Zhengzhou, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Changsha,
        Chongqing, Chengdu and Kunming.

        For information on these events, please see the Education UK website listed

        To attend the briefings, please log onto to
        register online.

        With best wishes
        責任編輯:zhuoya 文章作者:

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