        來源: 點擊數: 錄入時間:07-06-18 19:30:52

        Architects appointed for landmark project
        RMIT University has appointed Sean Godsell Architects in association with PeddleThorp Architects to design and construct the landmark Design Hub building on the former CUB site.
        Grocon Chief Executive Officer, Daniel Grollo, RMIT University Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Margaret Gardner AO, and Minister for Education and Training, Lynne Kosky, announcing the CUB development in October

        RMIT Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Margaret Gardner AO, said: “The Design Hub will be a landmark building, confirming RMIT’s reputation for commissioning innovative architecture and adding an exciting new component to the Melbourne cityscape.
        “The Design Hub will strengthen the RMIT Quarter of Melbourne. It will house The Design@RMIT Research Institute, which through collaboration between RMIT and industry will lead our communities to technologies and tools to improve design for the world around us.
        “I welcome the appointment of Sean Godsell Architects, who have been responsible for such projects as The Future Shack, a mass-produced, relocatable house for emergency and relief situations, and who won the 2001 World Architecture Awards in London.

        Plan of the proposed Grocon CUB site redevelopment, showing the view along the axis to the Shrine of Remembrance. RMIT’s Design Hub will occupy the corner of Swanston and Victoria streets.
        “PeddleThorp Architects also bring an excellent record to the table. They are currently responsible for the Millennium Library project in Brisbane and the Australia-Bali Memorial Eye Hospital in Indonesia.”
        Sean Godsell said: “I am delighted by this appointment. The development of the CUB site has been a missing piece in the jigsaw puzzle of Melbourne for far too long.
        “Our role involves dealing with the most prominent part of the site at the corner of Swanston and Victoria streets alongside the civic axis to the Shrine of Remembrance.
        “Our goal is to produce a world-class facility for RMIT in which all Melburnians can feel a sense of pride.”

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