        來源: 點擊數(shù): 錄入時間:07-06-18 18:05:08


          RMIT University will spend more than $60 million on student scholarships over the next five years. RMIT Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Margaret Gardner AO, said the scholarships highlighted the University’s commitment to providing all students with the opportunity to access high-quality education at RMIT.
        “RMIT is investing significantly in initiatives to build on the quality of students’ learning experiences,” said Professor Gardner. “In this our 120th anniversary year, RMIT continues to support our students to become work-ready   Student Portrait of John Storey Junior,1944
        graduates with a hunger for lifelong
        learning, which will support them in their future careers.”
        One of RMIT’s oldest scholarships funds, the John Storey Memorial Fund, has introduced a new John Storey Junior Scholarship, which will provide a fourth-year Mechanical Engineering student with $5,000 in recognition of academic excellence and community leadership.
        The John Storey Junior scholarships have until now funded students with up to $2,500 to take part in exchange programs. The fund recently grew to more than $1 million.
        John Storey Junior was a Mechanical Engineering student at the Melbourne Technical College (as RMIT was then called) in the 1940s.
        He established RMIT’s first Student Representative Council (SRC) in 1945 at just 21. He died of leukaemia in 1947 and a trust fund was set up in 1955 after the death of his father, Sir John Storey.
        John Storey Junior’s sister, Judy Cope-Williams, who is one of two family members on the John Storey Memorial Fund Advisory Committee, said the latest scholarship was in recognition of the 60th anniversary of her brother’s death.
        “The Storey family are warmly thrilled that the significant bequests left by my father are still able to help students in their studies and careers after 60 years and we look forward to the fund’s continued growth and support to the wonderful students of RMIT,” said Mrs Cope-Williams.
        “We owe the late Ian Permezel a great debt of gratitude for creating a new direction for the fund with great economic management.”

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