        來源: 點擊數: 錄入時間:07-06-18 18:31:04

        反之,黑色汽車最容易撞車,比白色車的撞車幾率高12%, 灰色車緊隨其后,比白色車高11%。再下面是銀色,10%, 藍色和紅色為7%. 其他顏色如奶油色,黃色和白色接近,但是沒有哪個顏色有白色安全。
        蒙納士大學工程學院是澳大利亞重點研究基點,設有許多 研究中心,和澳洲本地各類政府部門。工商企業聯系精密,是留學澳洲的首選大學之一。
        The Vehicle Colour Study, conducted by Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC), confirmed the popular belief that white is the safest choice when it came to being visible and safe on the road.
        Compared to white vehicles, black cars had a 12 per cent higher crash risk, closely followed by grey cars with 11 per cent higher risk. Silver vehicles were next, with 10 per cent, then blue and red at 7 per cent.
        While other car colours such as cream, yellow and beige ranked closely to white, no other colour ranked safer than white.
        The MUARC research was supported by RACV, VicRoads, RTA, NRMA and the TAC. Using on-road crash data, researchers analysed crashes between 1987 and 2004 in Victoria and Western Australia that resulted in death or injury or a vehicle being towed away.
        Lead researcher, Senior Research Fellow at MUARC, Dr Stuart Newstead, said the Australian study was arguably the most comprehensive to probe the link between vehicle colour and crash risk.
        "Previous international studies have examined vehicle visibility and colour but have not fully taken into account other factors that may have an impact on crash risk, such as driver demographics," Dr Newstead said.
        Dr Newstead said the study findings were clear and demonstrated that white-coloured vehicles had the lowest crash risk in all types of light conditions.
        "Conversely, darker colours and colours with low contrast to the road environment, including silver, grey, green, red, blue and black, tend to be associated with a higher crash risk, particularly in daylight hours," he said.
        Dr Newstead said the link between car colour and crash risk was found to be weaker during twilight and night driving.
        "Car colour was found to be less influential on crash risk in darker driving conditions most likely because colour is harder to differentiate. The use of car headlights also negates the effect of car colour in dark conditions to a large degree," he said.
        RACV Chief Engineer - Vehicles, Michael Case, said the study results were a useful consideration for safety-conscious car buyers.
        However, he urged motorists to recognise that other factors, such as occupant protection levels and safety features, including Electronic Stability Control (ESC), were more influential in improving safety.
        "Driving a darker coloured car can increase your crash risk, but that is nowhere near as influential a factor as your driving behaviour," he said.
        責任編輯:zhuoya 文章作者:

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