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        High-level delegation visits Monash to promote shared research
        18 April 2007
        Monash University recently hosted a high-level delegation from China that explored ways to further promote international research in light metals.

        Mr Xiao Yaqing, chairman and chief executive officer of Aluminium Cooperation of China (Chalco), along with members of his delegation visited the University on 26 March.

        Monash University Vice-Chancellor Professor Richard Larkins, Victorian Treasurer John Brumby and Aluminium Cooperation of China (Chalco) chief executive officer Mr Xiao Yaqing
        Delegation members included Mr Song Laizhong, director, general office, Chinalco; Mr Zhang Jilong, general manager, Department of Science and Techn
        ology, Chinalco; Mr Wang Wenfu, Vice-President, Chalco (Hong Kong); and Mr Zhang Hua, Business Manager, Chalco (Australia).

        Monash University representatives included Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Richard Larkins; Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice President (Research) Professor Edwina Cornish; and Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice President (International) Professor Stephanie Fahey.
        Professor Larkins said the delegation's visit was part of an important relationship that had been fostered and continued to grow between Monash University and various business and educational institutions within China.
        "This visit is an important milestone in the building of an ongoing relationship between Monash University and China through organisations like Chalco," Professor Larkins said.
        "It is part of our commitment to promote and further build on research relationships we have developed within Australia and internationally."
        The delegation was given an introduction to research capacity at the University, a presentation on light-metal research, and toured CSIRO facilities and the Australian Synchrotron.
        An agreement on a project between Chalco and the University's ARC Centre of Excellence for Light Metals was signed as part of the trip.
        As well as this, a memorandum of understanding was signed between Monash University and the delegation which agreed to strengthen long-term cooperation in research and development of light metals.
        The delegation along with representatives from the University - which included Professor Larkins, Professor Fahey and Director of Monash University's ARC Centre of Excellence on Design of Light Metals, Professor Barry Muddle - as part of the visit, also met with Victorian Treasurer and Minister for Innovation The Honourable John Brumby.

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