        來源: 點擊數(shù): 錄入時間:07-04-24 19:30:25

              在2月14日公布的來自大學(xué)于學(xué)院招生服務(wù)協(xié)會(UCAS)的統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)表明:與去年同期相比,貝德福德大學(xué)( University of Bedfordshire)的入學(xué)申請出現(xiàn)令人驚愕的41.2%的增長,使其在各大學(xué)中名列榜首。從創(chuàng)紀錄的申請人數(shù)來看,學(xué)生們顯示出他們對貝德福德大學(xué)的熱情。
             副校長兼教授Les Ebdon認為這種對貝大突然的申請狂熱有幾個理由。
             “自這所新的大學(xué)2006年8月1日建立以來就已經(jīng)引起了學(xué)生們巨大的興趣,” 他說道:“我們所投入的上百萬英鎊的包括體育與運動科學(xué)中心、校園中心、劇院、學(xué)習(xí)艙、商務(wù)套間和接待處在內(nèi)的跨校園發(fā)展項目均保證了我們的學(xué)生能夠得益于最新近的設(shè)施以及一個上乘的學(xué)習(xí)環(huán)境。”
              Ebdon教授補充道:“我們的新獎學(xué)金計劃也將幫助更多全日制的本科生完成大學(xué)學(xué)業(yè)。選擇貝德福德大學(xué)的學(xué)生將有機會得到£300 至 £4,100的獎學(xué)金。這已經(jīng)是最慷慨的協(xié)資助之一,不過我們?nèi)詫⒗^續(xù)增加獎學(xué)金的數(shù)額以幫助那些最需要的學(xué)生。”

        Everyone loves Beds!
          Eager students have been showing their love for the new University of Bedfordshire by applying in record numbers to study at the institution.
          Figures from the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) released today (14 February) show applications to Bedfordshire have risen by a staggering 41.2 per cent compared with the same period last year, putting it top of the table among all universities.
          Vice Chancellor Professor Les Ebdon believes there are several reasons for the surge in those showing an interest in the University.
        “There has been enormous interest in the new University since its launch on 1 August 2006,” he said. “Our multi-million pound development programme across campuses includes a new Physical Education and Sport Science Centre, Campus Centre, Theatre, Learning Pod, Business Suite and Reception, all of which ensure our students benefit from the latest facilities and a super learning environment.
        “Recent reports have also suggested that vocational courses are particularly popular and we are benefiting from this as we continue to build on our excellent reputation in areas such as Sport, Media, Education, Business and Health.
        “Furthermore, students will be encouraged by a new report from Universities UK which shows that graduates can earn up to £160,000 more over a working life than those without a degree.
        Professor Ebdon added: “Our new bursaries scheme is also helping to support more full-time undergraduate students through University. Those choosing Bedfordshire this September will receive bursaries and scholarships ranging from £300 to £4,100. This is one of the most generous schemes on offer but we will also continue to add to the number of scholarships available which will help those who need support the most.”
          Among the subjects continuing to do well nationally are Law, Psychology and Nursing. Courses attracting the most interest at the University of Bedfordshire include Sport, Psychology, Biomedical Sciences and Art and Design.
        責任編輯:zhuoya 文章作者:

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