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        http://www.darvimack.com 發表于:09-03-25 11:21:22 瀏覽: 10429 來源:
        1. The artist’s work pushes our civilization to a higher level.

          改進:Artists’ work upgrades our civilization.

          2. For example, you work in a big factory.

          改進: Suppose you work in a big factory.

          3. You’ll find you are fit for business and you can make it your main job.

          改進:You’ll find that you are cut out for business and you can make it your career.

          4. We will own nothing at all if we depend on luck.

          改進: We will get nowhere if we rely on luck.

          5. He will get a higher salary to improve his living level.

          改進: He will get a higher salary, thus improving his life.

          6. Their brain is still very young.

          改進: They are still immature.

          7. Dissatisfaction makes people produce desire for better things.

          改進: Dissatisfaction impels people for the better.

          8. They can’t analyze clearly what is right and what is wrong.

          改進: They cannot tell right from wrong.

          9. It will help children to form a good habit of dealing with time.

          改進: It will help children learn to make good use of time.

          10. Though it is not the best job, it afford to his life.

          改進: Though it is not the best job, a job is a job. He can make ends meet with it.

          11. Since people are always not satisfied with their present situation, they want further development.

          改進: Since people are never satisfied with their status quo, they want further development.

          12. The only thing they need to do is to find a job which can easily get big money.

          改進: The only thing they need to do is to find a job that can bring them big money.

          13. They like an active life but not a peaceful life.

          改進: They like an active life rather than a peaceful one.

          14. Some cigarettes may even cost a larger sum of money.

          改進: Some cigarettes may cost even more.

          15. Firstly, dissatisfaction encourages the discovery of new products.

          改進: Firstly, dissatisfaction encourages the invention of new products.

          16. Insgroupsto suit the needs of enteringsintoswork, students must grasp some technical skills.

          改進: Insgroupsto meet the needs of future work, students must learn some practical skills.

          17. It is very necessary more qualified scientists and technicians.

          改進: Qualified scientists and technicians are in great demand.

          18. This knowledge will become a part of your body.

          改進: This knowledge will become part of you.

          19. They cannot think clearly.

          改進: They cannot think straight.

          20. Money can improve their living standard.

          改進: Money can improve their life.

          21. Parents always think that children will get a good job and earn a lot of money.

          改進: Parents always expect their children to get a good job and earn a lot of money.

          22. If a student only cares about money, will lead to be unhappy all his life.

          改進: If a student only cares about money, he will be misled and will be unhappy all his life.

          23. One purpose of education is to study the way in which he studies later.

          改進: One purpose of education is to learn to learn.

          24. Many parents arrange their children go to learn piano.

          改進: Many parents send their children to piano classes.

          25. When I want to absorb somebody else’s opinion, I will study with others.

          改進: When I need second opinion, I will study with others.

          26. Eating outside has the most advantage that we can go at any time when we finish eating without doing any washing.

          改進: The best part of eating out is that we can leave everything behind after meal.

          27. Smoking can help you relax your mind.

          改進: Cigarettes can help you relax.

          28. What’s about nonsmokers?

          改進: What about nonsmokers?

          29. Why not to be a non-smoker?

          改進: Why not be a non-smoker?

          30. Everyone will have many friends in his life.

          改進: Everyone has friends in his life.

          31. I am not good at maths, but English

          改進: I am good not at mathematics but at English/ My strength is not mathematics but English.

          32. Who is the proper person to make up his minds about children’s leisure time?

          改進: Who is the proper person to plan children’s leisure time?

          33.It is children who clear about their interests.

          改進: It is children who are clear about their own interests.

          34. I agree the latter idea.

          改進: I agree with the latter idea.

          35. Many people dissatisfy with the status quo.

          改進: Many people are dissatisfied with the status quo.

          36. So I feel breathe more comfortably now.

          改進: So I feel more comfortable now when I breathe.

          37. People should learn knowledge no matter how old they are.

          改進:People should learn no matter how old they are/ People are never too old to learn.

          38. No one knows all the things.

          改進: No one knows everything.

          39. I want to live in a quiet place to admire peaceful life.

          改進: I want to live in a quiet place to enjoy peaceful life.

          40. Each form ofshavingsfriends has its advantages.

          改進: Each way of choosing friends has its advantages.

          41. I was admitted to a key university for which few dared to sign up.

          改進: I was admitted to a key university to which few dared to apply.

          42. Luckily, he recognized an American professor.

          改進: Luckily, he knew an American professor.

          43. They will learn the bad habits.

          改進: They will develop bad habits.

          44. In this continued process, people make progress.

          改進: In this cycle, people make progress.

          45. Lastly, higher education is equal to higher salary.

          改進: Lastly, higher education means higher salary.

          46. By making friends who are different from ourselves, we can make up for deficiency.

          改進: By making friends who are different from ourselves, we can make up for our shortcomings.

          47. A wrong decision will bring even worse fact.

          改進: A wrong decision will bring even worse result.

          48. You spend all your life to fulfill your willing.

          改進: You devote all your life to the fulfillment of your dream.

          49. Children should be taught disciplines insgroupsto avoid unnecessary lost.

          改進: Children should be taught discipline insgroupsto avoid unnecessary loss.

          50. I felt alone.

          改進: I felt lonely.

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