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        http://www.darvimack.com 發表于:09-02-24 10:50:37 瀏覽: 10429 來源:

          現在逐一講解,歡迎ARGUE AGAINST

          In Patton City, days are categorized as having heavy rainfall (more than two inches),

          moderate rainfall (more than one inch, but no more than two inches), light rainfall (at

          least a trace, but no more than one inch), or no rainfall. In 1990, there were fewer days

          with light rainfall than in 1910 and fewer with moderate rainfall, yet total rainfall for the

          year was 20 percent higher in 1990 than in 1910.

          If the statements above are true, then it is also possible that in Patton City

          A. the number of days with heavy rainfall was lower in 1990 than in 1910

          B. the number of days with some rainfall, but no more than two inches, was the same

          in 1990 as in 1910

          C. the number of days with some rainfall, but no more than two inches, was higher in

          1990 than in 1910

          D. the total number of inches of rain that fell on days with moderate rainfall in 1990

          was more than twice what it had been in 1910

          E. the average amount of rainfall per month was lower in 1990 than in 1910

          已知:heavy rainfall > 2 inches; 2>=moderate rainfall > 1; 0<light rainfall<=1

          且 1990年小雨和中雨的天數都比1910少,然而1990年全年的降雨量還比1910多,那就只能是1990年的大雨天數比1910多,一般我們都會這樣的預估,但選項恰恰沒有該項。迷茫中,看到了D,誤以為找到了救星,正好落在了出題者的陷阱之中。

          細看該題所問“If the statements above are true, then it is also possible that in Patton City”,原來并非是由原文推出選項的導出題,而是一道怪題;只要是“可能的”項就是正確的。換句話說,依據原文,有四個選項是絕不可能的,只有一個是可能的。

          那再看D,在1990年中雨天數比1910少的情況下,其降雨量可以超過1910的2倍嗎?絕不可能 ------ 因為2>=moderate rainfall > 1,即最大的中雨量不超過最小的中雨量的2倍,也就是:即便1990的中雨天每次都是最大量,而1910的中雨量每次都是最小量,那么D都不能成立。




          但A的確是可能的,這一點人間惆悵客和其樓上的新浪網友都有很好的解釋。說個最極端的情況,1990年只下了一天雨,那是一場萬年不遇的億寸豪雨,其降雨量可以遠遠超過1910年的天天小雨、中雨或so so 大雨。一天就超過365天這有什么不可能的呢?


          In the United States, vacationers account for more than half of all visitors to what are technically called “pure aquariums” but for fewer than one quarter of all visitors to zoos, which usually include a “zoo aquarium” of relatively modest scope.

          Which of the following, if true, most helps to account for the difference described above between visitors to zoos and visitors to pure aquariums?

          (A) In cities that have both a zoo and a pure aquarium, local residents are twice as likely to visit the aquarium as they are to visit the zoo.

          (B) Virtually all large metropolitan areas have zoos,whereas only a few large metropolitan areas have pure aquariums.

          (C) Over the last ten years,newly constructed pure aquariums have outnumbered newly established zoos by a factor of two to one.

          (D) People who visit a zoo in a given year are two times more likely to visit a pure aquarium that year than are people who do not visit a zoo.

          (E) The zoo aquariums of zoos that are in the same city as a pure aquarium tent to be smaller than the aquariums of zoos that have no pure aquarium nearby.

          從問題中的“helps to account for”可以明確該題是解釋題,所以要懷著讀出“奇怪或矛盾”的目的去閱讀原文(絕不是懷著奇怪的心態去閱讀)

          讀完原文發現,一方面vacationer占了參觀pure aquariums人數的一半,而同時只占了參觀zoo人數的不到四分之一。這是怎么回事呢?尤其是zoo中還有zoo aquarium呢。這題讀完,本身覺得也沒啥矛盾,就是心里覺得怪怪的。(注意原文中account for 意為“占”,而問題中的意為“解釋”)




          應該是 B (有純水族的城市少,所以每到這個城市的vacationer要去純水族的可能性就比去參觀ZOO的可能性大的多,畢竟幾乎所有城市都有ZOO;而當地游客這種偏愛就不明顯;分子分母思維法,定要牢記)待憶~思盈的分析已經接近真理,望再接再厲 ”

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