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        Greatest Opportunity for Women

        http://www.darvimack.com 發(fā)表于:10-01-22 16:13:10 瀏覽: 10429 來(lái)源:

        Based on the percent of students who are female, the percent of faculty who are female, and student assessment of: resources for female students, how supportive the culture is of female students, whether the business school offers coursework for women entrepreneurs, and whether case study materials for classes proportionately reflect women in business


        1、Simmons School of Management |Boston, MA

        2、The George Washington University|School of Business |Washington, DC

        3、Mercer University―Macon Eugene |W. Stetson School of Business & Economics |Macon, GA

        4、State University of New York at Albany|School of Business |Albany, NY

        5、University of California―Davis| Graduate School of Management |Davis, CA

        6、St. Mary''s University|Bill Greehey School of Business |San Antonio, TX

        7、University of Massachusetts Amherst|Isenberg School of Management |Amherst, MA

        8、University of Georgia|Terry College of Business |Athens, GA

        9、University of California―Berkeley |Haas School of Business |Berkeley, CA

        10、American University|Kogod School of Business |Washington, DC


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