
        建筑學院School of Architecture

        人文及科學學院College of Arts and Sciences

        教授學院School of Education

        L?C?史密夫工程及計算機科學學院L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science

        人本服務及健康專業學院College of Human Services and Health Professions

        資訊學學院School of Information Studies

        法學院College of Law

        馬丁?J?惠特曼管理學院Martin J. Whitman School of Management

        麥斯威爾公民權及公共事務學院Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs

        S?I?鈕豪斯公共傳播學院S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications

        現覺及表演藝術學院College of Visual and Performing Arts

        大學學院University College

        研究院The Graduate School


        Women''s Studies婦女研究                         

        Voice and Opera聲音和歌劇                        

        Textile Sciences and Engineering紡織科學與紡織工程                         

        Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology劇場/劇院設計技術                       

        Systems Science and Theory系統科學與理論                        

        Speech and Rhetorical Studies修辭學和演說學                        

        Special Education and Teaching, Other特殊教育教學相關                         

        Special Education and Teaching, General特殊教育教學                       

        Spanish Language and Literature西班牙語言文學                       

        Solid State and Low-Temperature Physics固態及低溫物理學                         


        Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education社會與哲學基礎教育                        

        Social Work社會工作                         

        Social Studies Teacher Education社會研究師范教育                        

        Social Sciences, General社會科學                         

        Social Psychology社會心理學                        


        Science Teacher Education/General Science  Teacher科學師范教育/普通科學教師                         

        School Psychology學校心理學                         

        Russian Studies俄羅斯研究                         

        Russian Language and Literature俄羅斯語言文學                         

        Romance Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics羅曼語言文學、語言學                         

        Restaurant, Culinary, and Catering Management餐廳、烹飪、餐飲管理                         

        Religion/Religious Studies宗教/宗教學研究                       

        Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions, Other康復治療專業                        

        Reading Teacher Education閱讀師范教育

        Radio and Television廣播與電視                        

        Public Relations & Organizational Commun.公共關系與共同組織                        

        Public Policy Analysis公共政策分析                         

        Public Administration公共行政                        

        Psychology, General心理學                       


        Pre-Veterinary Studies獸醫研究預科                        

        Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies醫學預科                         

        Pre-Law Studies法律預科                         

        Pre-Dentistry Studies牙科預科                         

        Political Science and Government, Other政治學及政府相關                         

        Political Science and Government, General政治學及政府                       

        Piano and Organ鋼琴與管風琴                        

        Physics, General物理學                                               

        Physics Teacher Education物理師范教育                        

        Physics Teacher Education物理師范教育                        

        Physics Teacher Education物理師范教育                        

        Physics Teacher Education物理師范教育                        

        Physical Education Teaching and Coaching體育教學輔導                         




        Organizational Behavior Studies組織行為學                          

        Nutritional Sciences營養科學                       

        Nursing-Registered Nurse Training (RN/ASN/BSN/MSN)護理-注冊護士培訓                        


        Music, Other音樂及相關                       

        Music, General音樂                         

        Music Theory and Composition音樂理論及作曲                        

        Music Teacher Education音樂師范教育                        

        Music Performance, General音樂表演                        

        Music Management and Merchandising音樂管理及行銷

        Museology/Museum Studies博物館學/博物館研究                          

        Metal and Jewelry Arts金屬飾品藝術                        

        Medieval and Renaissance Studies中世紀與文藝復興研究                         

        Medical Nutrition營養醫學                          

        Mechanical Engineering機械工程                       

        Mathematics, General數學                       

        Mathematics and Computer Science數學與計算機科學                         

        Mathematics Teacher Education數學師范教育                       

        Materials Science材料科學                         

        Mass Communications大眾傳播                         

        Marketing, Other市場營銷及相關                         

        Marketing Research市場研究                        

        Management Science, General管理科學                       

        Management Information Systems, General管理信息系統                          


        Library Science/Librarianship圖書館科學                         

        Library Science, Other圖書館科學及相關                         

        Law (LL.B., J.D.)法律                         

        Latin Language and Literature拉丁語言文學                         

        Latin American Studies拉丁美洲研究                         

        Language Interpretation and Translation語言及翻譯                         

        Kinesiology and Exercise Science運動科學                         

        Jurid. Sci./Legal Spec.法律本科                         

        Junior High/Intermediate/Middle School Education初中教育                        

        Journalism, Other新聞及相關                        


        Italian Language and Literature意大利語言文學                         

        International Relations and Affairs國際關系與國際事務                       

        Interior Design室內設計                        

        Institutional Food Services Administrator食品服務機構管理                         

        Information Science/Studies信息科學                         

        Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering制造工程                         

        Industrial Design工業設計                         

        Human Development and Family Studies, General人類發展和家庭研究                       

        Hospitality Administration/Management, Other旅游休閑管理及相關                         

        History, General歷史                       

        Historic Preservation and Conservation歷史的保存和保護                         

        Higher Education/Higher Education Administration高等教育管理                        

        Health and Physical Education/Fitness, Other健康與體育/健身相關                         

        German Language and Literature德國語言文學                        

        Geology/Earth Science, General地質學/地球科學                        


        General Marketing Operations一般銷售業務                        

        French Language and Literature法國語言文學                        

        Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics外語文學、語言學                         

        Foreign Languages and Literatures, General外文文獻                        

        Foods, Nutrition, and Wellness Studies, General食品、營養與健康研究                        

        Fine/Studio Arts, General美術                         

        Finance, General金融                        

        Film/Video and Photographic Arts, Other電影/視頻和攝影藝術                        

        Film/Cinema Studies電影研究                         

        Fiber, Textile and Weaving Arts纖維、紡織、織造藝術                        

        Fashion/Apparel Design時裝設計/服裝設計                         

        Fashion Merchandising時尚商品                         

        Family and Marriage Counseling家庭及婚姻輔導                        

        Family Systems家族體系研究                       

        Experimental Psychology實驗心理學                        

        European Studies/Civilization歐洲研究                         

        Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering環境衛生工程                        


        Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations中小型企業運作                         

        English/Language Arts Teacher Education英語/語言藝術師范教育                       

        English Language and Literature, General英語語言文學                       

        Engineering/Industrial Management工程/工業管理                         

        Engineering Physics工程物理學                         

        Elementary Education and Teaching基礎教育與教學                        

        Electrical, Electronics and Communications Eng.電器、電子、通訊                       

        Educational/Instructional/Curriculum  Supervision教育/教學/課程監督                        

        Educational Psychology教育心理學                        

        Educational Leadership & Administration, General教育管理                        

        Educational Evaluation and Research教育評估及研究                        

        Educational Administration and Supervision, Other教育管理和監督                        

        Education/Teaching for Multiple Disabilities殘疾教育                         

        Education/Teaching for Learning Disabilities學習障礙教育                          

        Education/Teaching for Emotional Disturbances情緒紊亂特殊教育                         

        Economics, General經濟學                       

        Earth and Planetary Sciences地球與行星科學

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