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        SFU冬奧會之際揭開West House神秘面紗

        http://www.darvimack.com 發表于:10-03-01 14:12:26 瀏覽: 10429 來源:

        西蒙菲莎大學冬奧會之際 揭開West House神秘面紗

        體驗溫哥華冬奧會的20多萬觀眾近日都有望到西蒙菲莎大學參觀WEST HOUSE―著名的現代化可持續發之家,West House位于Livecity的Yaletown,是一座綠色環保建筑,崇尚清潔能源和智能居家控制技術。 

        這所56.7平米的房子創作藍本源于西蒙菲莎大學互動多媒體學院的的兩位頂級教授Lyn Bartram和Woodbury。達到了名副其實的節能環保(所創造的能量遠多于其所消耗的),由起居室、餐廳、廚房、盥洗室及Loft式臥室以及小陽臺組成,另有用以電瓶車存放的21平米的車庫。


        SFU unveils innovative West House at Olympics

        February 11, 2010 

        More than 200,000 people during the Winter Olympics in Vancouver are expected to tour Simon Fraser University’s West House, a model sustainable home at LiveCity in Yaletown featuring the latest in green-building, clean-energy and smart-home control technologies.

        The 56.7-square-metre (610 sq. ft.) prototype “laneway house” is the inspiration of Lyn Bartram and Rob Woodbury, both professors in SFU’s School of Interactive Arts and Technology (SIAT).
        The energy-efficient house, which produces more energy than it uses, features a combined living/dining/kitchen area, bathroom and loft bedroom with small balcony. The attached 21-square-metre (226 sq. ft.) garage comes complete with an electric-car charging outlet.

        "Laneway houses have a smaller ecological footprint and greater energy efficiency than regular single-family homes, says Vancouver mayor Gregor Robertson, who officially opened West House on Feb. 10 along with federal Treasury Board president Stockwell Day.

        Since the city approved laneway houses in 2009 as a means of densifying some 66,000 single-family lots with compact housing, it has granted 21 building permits and has 50 more pending approval.

        SFU researchers created the innovative intelligent data interface and display system called Adaptive Living Interface System (ALIS). Its purpose, explains Bartram, is to help the homeowner actually practice energy conservation, which current energy-control interfaces don’t encourage.






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