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        http://www.darvimack.com 發表于:09-04-29 15:02:44 瀏覽: 10429 來源:

        正當人們對禽流感和沙斯的警惕心逐漸松懈之際,遠在大洋彼岸的墨西哥突然爆發了豬流感,頃刻間,全世界衛生當局的神經又再度緊繃起來。截至當地時間27日晚間, 墨西哥衛生部門統計疑似豬流感死亡病例達100, 其中20人確診。與墨西哥為鄰的美國也發現11個確診病例。波及5個州(肯薩斯州、俄亥俄州、加州、德克薩斯和紐約)。加拿大也已確認發現6例豬流感病例。加拿大和美國的病例較墨西哥癥狀輕微,除2例需要住院治療外沒有死亡病例。


        世界衛生組織總干事陳馮富珍在25日晚間發表的聲明表示:“建議所有國家加強對非正常暴發的流感類疾病和嚴重肺炎的監控。”美國疾控中心專家表示,疫情一旦在地理上的感染范圍擴大,這種病毒可能很難控制。  但該委員會也認為,當前尚不能確定是否應調高豬流感大流行警告的級別。世界衛生組織的流感大流行警告共包括6個級別。目前的“3級警告”意味著一種新的亞型流感病毒正在使人發病,但還沒有發展到在人與人之間有效、持續擴散。[最新信息已經提升到4級警告]




        ?         沒有注射過流感疫苗的人群,需考慮接受流感免疫接種以預防季節性流感

        ?         注意個人衛生,勤洗手。避免手與面部的接觸

        ?         要避開人群扎堆的公共場所等,遠離患病人群

        ?         避免接觸生豬或前往有豬的場所。

        ?         咳嗽或打噴嚏時要遮住口、鼻

        ?         如有不適,請留守家中,避免外出

        ?         您或家人發生流感樣癥狀請及時就醫

        ?         確保常規疫苗的及時更新,肺炎疫苗的注射指征包括:65歲以上人群、患長期慢性疾病人群、器官移植或化療后免疫力低下人群等。


        As you may knew an outbreak of swine influenza A (H1N1) has been reported in all three countries in North America (Mexico, Canada and USA) started from last week. As of April 26, 20 people have been infected with swine flu A/H1N1 in USA, cases have been confirmed in 5 states: California, Kansas, New York, Ohio and Texas. In Canada, four people in Nova Scotia and two others from British Columbia. Most of those infected in Canada and USA only suffered minor illness, although two cases required hospital treatment. None were fatal.

        The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that suspected cases have occurred in 19 of the country''''s 32 states.

        Suspected cases are under investigation in New Zealand, France, Spain and Israel. This virus has the potential to cause a pandemic (global flu outbreak).

        The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the current situation constitutes a public health emergency of international concern. WHO further agreed that more information is needed before a decision could be made concerning the appropriateness of the current phase 3.

        Concerning public health measures, on the advice of the WHO, that all countries intensify surveillance for unusual outbreaks of influenza-like illness and severe pneumonia.  China''''s AQSIQ issued an emergency notice on 25th requires that immigrants from swine influenza infected areas or personnel who has been to infected areas in last two weeks should declare orally to entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions if they develop influenza-like symptoms.It also required port inspection and quarantine agencies strengthen the body temperature detection and medical inspection.

        CDC has not recommended that people avoid travel to affected areas at this time.

        For all associate who have a travel plan recently (any destination).  The following safety tips are useful:

        People who have not had an annual flu vaccination should consider having one to prevent regular seasonal flu.

        As a general good health practice, all travelers should:

        • Maintain good personal hygiene. Wash your hands frequently. Avoid touching your face.
        • Avoid people who are obviously sick.
        • Cover coughs and sneezes with a mask or a tissue.
        • Stay at home if you are unwell.
        • Contact your health care provider if you or your children develop flu-like symptoms.
        • Ensure their routine vaccinations are up-to-date. This includes pneumocococcal vaccination for certain adults: those over 65, people with serious long term health conditions and people whose immune systems are compromised due to transplants, cancer treatments, HIV/AIDS, etc.  See the CDC information sheet for more details.  

        You can also contact Company Doctor or relevant responsible person on the topic of Swine Influenza A (H1N1) Prevention and Control.



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