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        http://www.darvimack.com 發表于:09-07-30 14:13:18 瀏覽: 10429 來源:

            澳大利亞留學網消息,據澳大利亞副總理和移民部長最近的講話,緊缺職業清單(MODL-migration occuption demand list)將在10月完成修改。

            最近澳洲主流電視臺SBS的INSIGHT和ABC電視臺的FOUR CORNERS節目都,報道了這些不良學校和部分無良中介的惡行,同時媒體也把矛頭直接指向政府,由于政府的管理不嚴格,不作為,導致出現了現在的問題。移民部網站公布的緊缺職業清單里面,廚師、美發師仍舊赫然在列,而實際情況是學生根本無法找到實習機會。迫于媒體壓力,移民部長和教育部長決心進行徹底的改革。
            這次MODL的改革將徹底放棄類似廚師、美發師、西點師這樣的專業,至于是否要設置另外的門檻,如提高job ready 考試要求、降低移民職業分,就不得而知了。我們會繼續關注移民局最新動態和澳洲主流媒體的報道。
        附錄: 講話原文
        A key challenge for the Australian Government remains - to communicate clearly that there is no automatic link between study in Australia and access to permanent residency.
        We conduct a skilled migration program that seeks to attract young migrants with high quality skills in the areas of skills shortage in Australia.
        The priorities for migration must be the needs of the Australian economy. Therefore the skills and qualifications we seek in migrants will vary over time. The Australian Government will adjust the program to meet our national needs and not be driven by the education choices of overseas students.
        Those who seek to market access to a permanent visa in Australia rather than a quality education do a grave disservice to potential students.
        The Deputy Prime Minister and I have announced a review of the migration occupations in demand list, the MODL, which is due to report at the end of October this year.
        The MODL is the skills migration targeting mechanism that provides a framework for forward planning.
        The intention is to make the MODL more forward looking, thus putting the onus on the temporary and permanent employer sponsored visa categories to respond to the current skills shortages.



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