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        http://www.darvimack.com 發(fā)表于:10-05-27 10:15:28 瀏覽: 10429 來源:


            Original passport or travel document including at least one blank page, and valid for at least one month from the date you intend to leave Canada.

            Four passport-size photos (colour or black and white) taken within the past 6 months and including the date of birth (day/month/year) and applicant’s name clearly printed in pinyin on the back of each photo.
            3. Correct application processing fee. 
            4.Two self-addressed adhesive labels per person, including the applicant’s name, address and postal code in Chinese characters.

            5.Two signed (original signature) and dated copies of “Application for Study Permit” Form (English/French).
            6. One signed (original signature) and dated copy of the “Family Composition/Education and Employment” forms (Chinese and English/French).
            One signed (original signature of each parent) and dated copy of the “Family Composition/Education and Employment” form for applicant’s mother and father (Chinese and English/French).
            8. 一份問卷

            9.One original and one copy of a Letter of Acceptance from the Admissions/Registrar’s Office of a Canadian school (should be accompanied by information from a school indicating exact amount of tuition fees you will be required to pay and the anticipated starting and finishing dates); this letter should be dated within 6 months of your application.
            一份加拿大學(xué)校招生登記辦公室出具的錄取通知書原件及復(fù)印件 (須附校方提供的有關(guān)申請(qǐng)人需要繳納的確切學(xué)費(fèi)數(shù)額及預(yù)期的學(xué)業(yè)起末日期的信息),該通知書簽發(fā)日期距簽證申請(qǐng)日不得超過六個(gè)月
            10.One study plan, in English or French, explaining the study proposed in Canada and intentions after completing the courses to which applicant has been accepted.

            11. One custodianship declaration if applicant is under 18 years of age and intends to study in Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec and Saskatchewan or under 19 and intends to study in British Columbia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Northwest Territories, Nunavut and the Yukon.

        A completed form “Use of a Representative” if applicable.


             13. Certificat d’acceptation du Quebec (CAQ) issued by the Ministère de l''''Immigration et des Communautés culturelles du Québec (MICCQ) (if applicable)

            魁北克移民與族裔社團(tuán)部(MICCQ)所簽發(fā)的魁北克省接收證明(CAQ) ( 如適用) 
             14.One notarized copy of applicant’s Senior Middle School Graduation Certificate and Transcripts (with the chop of the school’s Registrar’s office)
            15. One notarized copy of any University or College Diploma, Degree, Certificate granted, plus transcripts for any program for which applicant is currently enrolled. If applicant has not graduated, please indicate expected date of graduation and whether applicant will receive a degree, diploma or certificate. 

            16. Proof of accumulated funds including :  Original certificates of deposit (dated within the last 2 months, showing current funds available and  Original deposit slips and/or bank passbooks and  Written explanation of the sources of the above funds 
             累積資金證明包括: 存款證明原件(在最近二個(gè)月內(nèi),顯示現(xiàn)有可用資金),以及存款單和/或銀行存折原件,以及以上資金來源的解釋信

            17If applicant is employed: (若申請(qǐng)人受雇

            1 original letter of employment (see details below) : 一份工作證明原件(詳細(xì)要求如下)
        .   1 original letter of employment from the current employer of applicant including: full name, address and telephone number of the applicant’s employer; parent’s length of service, position, salary for the last two years, any bonuses and additional income. 
            18. If applicant is not employed:  1 original letter of employment from the current employer of each parent including: full name, address and telephone number of the parent’s employer; parent’s length of service, position, salary for the last two years, any bonuses and additional income. If you are being supported by a person other than your parents, the same information is required for them.
            If either or both of applicant’s parents own a business or part of a business, submit: { k I.v9c|G\PaB
            1 notarized copy of the business registration.

            Recent tax receipts and the most recent audited financial statement of the business.
            若申請(qǐng)人的父母一方或雙方擁有某個(gè)企業(yè)或其部分資產(chǎn),請(qǐng)遞交一份商業(yè)登記公證書. 公司近期稅單及近期企業(yè)審計(jì)報(bào)告

            20.  If applicant is receiving any funding from a school in Canada or other organisation, submit: 

            1 original letter containing details of the funding the applicant is to receive during each year of proposed course of study.

            若申請(qǐng)人接受加拿大學(xué)校或其它組織的資金,請(qǐng)?zhí)峁?BR>    一份包含申請(qǐng)人計(jì)劃學(xué)習(xí)期間每年接受資助的詳細(xì)的信件原件
            If applicant has prepaid any fees to the school in Canada, submit:  1 copy of official receipt or letter from the school.若申請(qǐng)人已預(yù)付給加拿大學(xué)校任何費(fèi)用,請(qǐng)?zhí)峁?一份學(xué)校出具的正式收據(jù)或信函的復(fù)印件

            22. One notarized copy of applicant’s No Criminal Activity Certificate


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