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        1. What do we remember on Anzac Day? (澳洲建軍節)
        The landing of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps at Gallipoli
        The arrival of the first free settlers from Britain
        The landing of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove

        2. What are the colours of the Australian Aboriginal Flag? (澳洲土著國旗的顏色)
        Black, red and yellow
        Green, white and black
        Blue, white and green

        3. Which official symbol of Australia identifies Commonwealth property? (澳洲聯邦的標志)
        The national anthem
        Australias national flower
        Commonwealth Coat of Arms

        4. Which of these is an example of freedom of speech? (澳洲言論自由的表現形式)
        Newspapers can write about any topic
        Men and women are treated equally in a court of law
        Australians are free to not follow a religion

        5. Which of these is a responsibility of Australian citizens aged 18 years or over? (18歲以上澳洲公民的職責和權利)
        To attend local council meetings
        To vote in elections
        To have a current Australian passport

        6. Which of these statements about passports is correct? (澳洲護照)
        Australian citizens can apply for an Australian passport
        Permanent residents can hold an Australian passport
        Australian citizens need a passport and visa to return to Australia

        7. What happened in Australia on 1 January 1901? (1901年澳洲發生了什么事情?)
        The Australian Constitution was changed by a referendum
        The Australian Constitution came into effect
        The Australian and New Zealand Army Corps was formed

        8. What is the name of the legal document that sets out the rules for the government of Australia? (澳洲國家和政府的法律文件)
        The Australian Federation
        The Australian Commonwealth
        The Australian Constitution

        9. Which of these is a role of the Governor-General? (澳洲總督的角色或者作用)
        The appointment of state premiers
        The signing of Bills passed by the Australian Parliament
        The appointment of the Head of State

        10. Which of these statements about state governments is correct? (澳洲洲政府的相關命題)
        All states have the same constitution
        Each state has its own constitution
        The states have no constitution


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