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        http://www.darvimack.com 發表于:07-08-23 15:19:56 瀏覽: 10429 來源:
        Dear Miss Gao:
          We have arrived here safely, do not worry about us. So sorry I have to write English. Here the view is really beautiful, but the weather is endurable, it is very widy. We went to the Old College today to see our supervisor, but all of us forgot to take a photo at this famous place. We will do that later, and we will sent it to you. The prices are as high as we think previously, but fruit and vegetable are much more expensive. I live in level 7, and xinyao and yan live at 5.I share the kitchen with other 9 students ,some of them from north America, and some of them from Middle East.All of us enjoy the life here. Any news on you? Miss you. Good luck.


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