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        http://www.darvimack.com 發表于:07-03-08 18:01:49 瀏覽: 10429 來源:

             威久留學專家成立至今,一直致力于為莘莘學子創造良好的留學環境。近日,威久留學專家與2007年Times 綜合排名第18位的英國著名大學――萊斯特大學(University of Leicester)正式簽約,成為該大學在中國的合作伙伴。
             萊斯特大學是英國最為古老的大學之一。它創建于1921年大學以提供高質量的教學與研究課程而著稱,具有很強的科研實力,其水平位于全英高校前10名,在DNA 基因遺傳技術及空間研究等領域享譽全球。大學圖書館由主圖書館和專科的臨床科學、教育與法律圖書館構成。圖書館藏書超過一百萬冊。除了書籍與期刊之外,圖書館還藏有縮微膠卷、學位論文和其他專門資料。計算機中心為學校的所有學生與員工提供一般性計算機服務。學生會有大約120個俱樂部和協會,組織體育、社交、文化、宗教與政治方面的各項活動,還有與學科有關的多個協會。海外留學生會(ISA)擁有700多名成員,是最大的學生協會之一。一年中的活動高潮是年年舉行的ISA文化之夜,來自全球的學生唱歌、跳舞、演奏音樂和表演喜劇。
        威久留學專線:010-6894 6699

        American Studies  







        Archaeology and Ancient History  






        Banking and Finance (BA)






        Banking and Finance (BSc)






        Biological Sciences  







        Chemical Biology  















        Chemistry with ... Management, Forensic Science, Pharmaceutical Chemistry  

        Communications, Media and Society  





        Computer Science  















        Economics (BA)  







        Economics (BSc)  







        Economics and Social Sciences Foundation Year  




















        English and American Studies






        English and History







        Film Studies and Visual Arts  






        Foundation Degrees  























        Historical Studies  







        History of Art  







        Humanities and World Humanities  






        Interdisciplinary Science  






        Joint Degrees through Combined Studies  














        Management Studies  















        Medical Biochemistry  







        Medical Genetics  







        Medical Physiology  















        Modern Languages  







        Operating Department Practice (Diploma in Higher Education)  


        Physics and Astronomy  























        Science Foundation Year  










        School of Archaeology and Ancient History 
                Rome and its Neighbours (MA/PGDip)
                Archaeology and Heritage (MA/PGDip)
                Archaeology (PGCert)
        Department of Biochemistry 
                Bioinformatics (MSc/PGDip)
                Cancer Cell and Molecular Biology (MSc/PGDip)
        Department of Cancer Studies and Molecular Medicine 
                Molecular Pathology (MSc/PGDip)
                Molecular Toxicology (MSc/PGDip)
                Molecular Pathology and Toxacoloyg (MSc/PGDip)
        Department of Chemistry  
                Chemical Research (Biological Chemistry) (MSc/PGDip)
                Chemical Research (Green Chemistry) (MSc/PGDip)
                Chemical Research (Green Chemistry with Industry) (MSc/PGDip)
        Civial Safety and Security Unit 
                Emergency Planning Management (MSc/PGDip)
                Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management (MSc/PGDip)
        Department of Computer Science 
                Advanced Software Engineering (MSc/PGDip)
                Advanced Computer Science (MSc/PGDip)
                Advanced Distributed System (MSc/PGDip)
                Advanced Computational Methods (MSc/PGDip)
        Departent of Criminology  
                Criminology (MSc)
                Criminology (Applied) (MSc)
                Criminology (Clinical) (MSc)
                Global Security and Policing (MSc)
                Community Safety (MSc)
                Criminology and Criminal Justice (MSc)
                Police Leadership and Management (MSc)
                Security and Risk Management (MSc)
        Department of  Economics  
                 Economics (MSc)
                 Financial Economics (MSc)
                Money and Banking (MSc)
                Banking and Finance (MSc)
                Business Analysis and Finance (MSc)
        School of Education  
                Advanced Certificate in TESOL
                Applied Linguistics and TESOL (MA)
                Educational Studies (PGCert/MA)
                Educational Leadership (PGCert/MSc/PGDip)
                Leadership for Learning (PGCert/MA/PGDip)
                Primary Education (MA/PGDip)
                Educational Research Methods (MSc/PGDip)
                Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)Primary
                Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)Secondry
                Psychodynamics Counselling (MA/PGDip)
                Professional Studies in Counselling and Psychotherapy (MA/PGDip)
        Department of Engineering  
                Embedded System and Control (MSc/PGDip/PGCert)
                Information and Communidations Engineering (MSc/PGDip/PGCert)
                Advanced Mechanical Engineering (MSc/PGDip/PGCert)
                Advanced Electrical and Electronic Engineering (MSc/PGDip/PGCert)
        Department of English  
                English Literary Research (MA)
                Modern Literature (MA)
        Department of Genetics  
                Molecular Genetics (MSc)
        Department of Geography  
                Geographical Information System (MSc/PGDip)
                Suatainable Management of Natural Resources (MSc/PGDip)
                Environmental Informatics (Geographical Information System with Suatainable Management of Natural Resources (MSc/PGDip)
                Physical Geography by Individually Supervised Study (MSc/PGDip)
                Geographical Information System and Human Geography (MSc/PGDip)
                Research in Human Geography (MSc/PGDip)
                Human Geography (MSc/PGDip)
                Human Geography by Individually Supervised Study (MSc/PGDip)
        Department of Health Sciences 
                Health Service Research (PGCert/MSc/PGDip)
                Primary Care Research (MSc)
                Social Science Applied to Health (MSc)
                Medical Statistics (MSc/PGDip)
                Pain Management (MSc/PGDip)
                Child and Adolescent Mental Health (MSc/PGDip/PGCert)
        School of Historical Studies  
                History (MA/PGCert)
                Internatinal Economic History (MA/PGCert)
        Centre for English Local History  
                English Local History (MA)
                English Local History by Individually Supervised Study (MA)
        Center for Urban History 
                Urban History (MA/PGDip0
                European Urbanisation (MA/PGDip)
                Social History (MA/PGDip)
        Centre for Labour Market Studies  
                Human Resource Development (MSc/PGDip)
                Human Resource Management and Development (MSc/PGDip)
                Human Resource Development and Performance Management (MSc/PGDip)
                International HR and Globalisation (MSc/PGDip/PGCert)
                Skills, Performance and Work Practices (MSc/PGDip)
        Department of Law 
                LLM Degree Program
                Law of Employment Regulations (LLM)
                eUROpean Union Law (LLM)
        Management Centre  
                Master of Business Administration (MBA)
                Finance (MSc/PGDip)
                Marketing (MSc/PGDip)
                Management (MSc/PGDip)
                Management Research (MSc/PGDip)
        Department of Mathematics  
                Financial Mathematics and Computation (MSc/PGDip/PGCert)
                Mathematical Modelling (MSc/PGDip/PGCert)
                Actuarial Science (MSc)
        Department of Media and Communication  
                Mass Communications (MA/PGDip)
                Globalisation and Communications (MA/PGDip)
                Media and Communications Research (MA/PGDip)
                New Media, Governance and Democracy (MA/PGDip)
                New Media and Society (MA/PGDip)
        Department of Medical and Social Care Education 
                Clinical Science (MSc/PGDip/PGCert)
                Social Work (MA)
                Supervision and Mentorship (PGCert)
                Community Care Contracting (Certificate)
        Department of Museum Studies   
                Art Museum and Gallery Studies (MA/PGDip)
                Museum Studies (MA/MSc/PGDip)
                Digital Heritage (MA/PGDip)
                Interpretive Studies (MA/PGDip)
        Multidisciplinary Courses  
                Humanities (MA/PGDip)
                Medical Humanities (MA/PGDip)
        Department of Politics and International Relations   
                Diplomatic Studies (MA/PGDip)
                International Relations and World Order (MA/PGDip)
                International Security (MA/PGDip)
        School of Psychology  
                Clinical Psychology (DClinPsy)
                Forensic Psychology (MSc)
                Applied Forensic Psychology (MSc)
                Forensic and Legal Psychology (MSc)
                Occupational Psychology (MSc)
                Psychology of Work (MSc/PGDip)
                Assessment and Treatment of Sex Offenders (MSc/PGDip/PGCert)
                Psychological Research Methods (MSc/PGDip)
        Department of Sociology  
                Social Research (MSc)
        Victorian Studies Centre 
                Victorian Studies (MA)

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