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        http://www.darvimack.com 發表于:09-08-03 14:13:19 瀏覽: 10429 來源:
        Ranking Univeristy Research Quality Entry Standards National student survey Graduate Prospects Total Score
        1 Oxford 3.4 422 92% 54% 100
        2 University College London 3.7 384   65% 96.5
        3 Glasgow 3 450 76% 67% 96.3
        4 Loughborough 3.5 367 81% 58% 93.4
        =4 Brunel 1.5 374 84% 75% 93.4
        6 Kent 3.7 301 76% 72% 91.9
        7 Lancaster 3.6 381 73% 62% 91.4
        8 Edinburgh 2.8 437 78% 52% 91.2
        9 Newcastle 3.7 387 69% 63% 90.5
        10 Bangor   262 82% 100% 88.5
        11 Goldsmiths College 3.1 300 74% 67% 87
        12 Dundee 3.3 345 76% 48% 85.3
        13 Heriot-Watt 2.3 336 65% 78% 85
        14 Nottingham Trent 1.6 323 73% 73% 84.3
        15 Leeds 3.1 371 65% 59% 84.2
        16 Reading 3.7 321 65% 59% 83.3
        17 Falmouth 1.7 297 78% 65% 83.1
        18 Brighton 3.6 272 73% 55% 82.6
        19 Bournemouth 3 273 65% 70% 82
        20 Edinburgh Napier 1.1 319   71% 81.7
        21 West of England 2.5 288 77% 53% 81.5
        22 Northumbria 2.2 281 70% 67% 81.3
        23 UWIC, Cardiff 2.8 288 75% 51% 80.9
        24 Coventry 1.8 313 70% 65% 80.8
        25 Robert Gordon 1.8 321   59% 80.4
        26 University of the Arts, London 2.8 330 62% 58% 78.5
        27 Edge Hill   243 69% 91% 78.2
        28 Birmingham City 3.2 271 71% 47% 78
        29 Norwich University College of the Arts 1.8 284 74% 53% 77.2
        30 Manchester   354 72% 62% 76.6
        31 Kingston 1.4 253 73% 62% 76.5
        32 De Montfort 1.8 275 71% 56% 76.2
        33 Ulster 2.5 238 68% 57% 75.3
        34 Portsmouth 0.8 277 78% 53% 75.1
        35 Teesside   261 86% 51% 75
        36 Lincoln 1.1 283 74% 52% 74.6
        37 Glamorgan   290 70% 67% 73.5
        38 Manchester Metropolitan 2.1 262 67% 53% 73.4
        39 Southampton 1.5 377 57% 55% 73.3
        40 Newport 2.8 229 64% 55% 73.1
        41 Aberystwyth   337 76% 46% 72.9
        42 Westminster 3.3 246 67% 40% 72.7
        43 Chester 0.2 288 77% 51% 72.4
        44 Bath Spa 1.5 271 68% 53% 72.2
        45 Greenwich   219 73% 68% 71.8
        46 Oxford Brookes 2.2 217 73% 44% 71.6
        =46 Salford 1.4 212 73% 54% 71.6
        48 Middlesex 1.5 220 70% 55% 71.5
        49 Staffordshire 0.5 236 77% 54% 71.3
        50 Central Lancashire 0.7 230 70% 60% 70.5
        51 Wolverhampton 2 214 70% 48% 70.3
        52 Plymouth 2.3 224 65% 48% 69.2
        53 Leeds Metropolitan 1.1 222 70% 52% 69
        =53 Sunderland 1.8 191 69% 52% 69
        =53 University for Creative Arts 1.5 221 65% 57% 69
        56 Sheffield Hallam 2.5 270 66% 35% 68.7
        =56 Northampton 0.4 265 70% 51% 68.7
        58 Buckinghamshire New 1.5 230 65% 52% 68.4
        59 Gloucestershire 1.1 251 68% 48% 68.3
        60 Huddersfield   272 70% 53% 68.2
        61 Thames Valley 0.9 223 65% 60% 67.8
        62 Southampton Solent 1.3 211 65% 56% 67.6
        63 Hertfordshire 2.5 238 55% 54% 67.4
        =63 Derby 1.4 230 69% 44% 67.4
        65 Glasgow Caledonian   345   39% 67.1
        66 Liverpool John Moores 1.5 217 65% 50% 66.8
        67 Bolton 0.3 247 74% 43% 66.7
        68 East London 2.1 162 65% 50% 66
        69 Canterbury Christ Church   290 71% 40% 65.8
        70 Cumbria 0.6 159 71% 55% 65.1
        71 Anglia Ruskin 1.5 232 58% 48% 63.4
        72 Glyndwr 0.6 258 53% 55% 61.5
        73 Essex   194 73% 38% 60.8
        74 Chichester   210 71% 36% 59.7
        75 York St John   241 59% 48% 59.3
        76 Bedfordshire   173 58% 54% 56.9
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