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        http://www.darvimack.com 發表于:10-06-08 16:27:31 瀏覽: 10429 來源:
        Rank Institution Student Satisfaction Research Assessment Entry Standards Graduate Prospects Overall Score
        1 Warwick 3.98 2.95 473 86 100.0
        2 London School of Economics 3.77 2.95 482 88 99.6
        3 Bath 3.81 2.95 452   97.4
        4 Strathclyde 3.97 2.85 438 82 96.8
        5 Leeds 3.86 2.85 426 84 96.2
        6 Lancaster 4.06 2.95 385 82 96.0
        7 Loughborough 4.02 2.70 412 84 95.3
        8 Exeter 4.30 2.60 405 80 94.9
        9 Southampton 3.88 2.60 425 82 93.8
        10 Bristol 3.83 2.55 430 84 93.8
        11 Glasgow 4.11 2.35 440 82 93.7
        12 City 4.08 2.60 414 78 93.6
        13 Edinburgh 3.72 2.45 423 90 93.4
        14 Manchester 3.70 2.85 439 72 93.1
        15 Nottingham 3.79 2.85 406 74 92.8
        16 Newcastle 4.06 2.50 413 78 92.6
        17 Durham 4.01 2.65 384 76 92.0
        18 Cardiff 3.80 3.00 399 64 91.6
        19 Kent 3.99 2.57 328 82 90.3
        20 Liverpool 3.98 2.45 377 74 89.5
        21 Robert Gordon 4.23 1.90 329 96 89.4
        22 Sheffield 3.81 2.70 357 72 89.2
        23 Stirling   2.35 335 72 86.9
        24 Surrey 3.72 2.50 353   86.6
        25 Dundee 4.11 2.25 336 72 86.5
        26 Bangor 4.08 2.75 269 66 86.3
        27 Aberdeen 3.97 2.25 324 76 86.1
        28 Heriot-Watt 3.68 2.40 328 72 85.0
        29 Essex 3.66 2.60 293 68 84.2
        30 Ulster 3.94 2.25 301 72 84.1
        31 Brunel 3.48 2.65     83.8
        32 Northumbria 4.07 1.80 300 82 83.4
        33 De Montfort 4.14 2.25 259 70 83.1
        34 Oxford Brookes 4.14 1.95 306 72 83.1
        35 West of England, Bristol 4.00 2.25 259 70 82.3
        36 Portsmouth 4.36 2.10 284 62 82.3
        37 Keele 3.70 2.30 272 72 82.0
        38 Bournemouth 3.86 1.95 301 70 80.8
        39 Glasgow Caledonian 3.95 1.80 327 64 79.8
        40 Sheffield Hallam 3.98 1.90 263 70 79.5
        41 Manchester Metropolitan 3.76 2.20 263 62 79.0
        42 Brighton 3.86 2.30 253 54 78.2
        43 Aberystwyth 3.97 1.95 284 58 78.0
        44 Westminster 3.64 2.00 302   77.8
        45 Huddersfield 4.10 2.05 270 46 76.4
        46 Plymouth 3.86 2.05 273 46 75.2
        47 Hertfordshire 3.80 2.15 221 50 74.4
        48 Reading 3.97   386 92 74.0
        49 Birmingham City 3.70 1.65 212 68 73.5
        50 Queen''s, Belfast 3.82   401 84 72.0
        51 Greenwich 3.90 1.75 249 44 71.5
        52 Birmingham 3.92   391 74 70.0
        53 East Anglia 4.09   329 76 68.9
        54 Liverpool John Moores 3.87 1.45 239 42 68.1
        55 Bolton 3.87 1.35 204 0 67.4
        56 Hull 4.01   268 78 66.4
        57 Lincoln 4.47   258 68 66.3
        58 Nottingham Trent 3.85   248 84 66.1
        59 Gloucestershire 3.81   274 76 65.1
        60 Queen Mary 3.74   340 64 64.7
        61 Glamorgan 4.14   270 58 62.8
        62 Edinburgh Napier 3.77   251 70 62.6
        63 Bradford 3.79   306 58 62.3
        64 Leeds Metropolitan 4.29   251 54 62.0
        65 Salford 4.14   283 46 60.6
        66 Coventry 3.66   260 62 60.6
        67 Kingston 3.92   253 56 60.4
        68 Northampton 4.11   203 60 60.4
        69 Staffordshire 3.93   178 68 60.1
        70 Central Lancashire 3.66   271 58 60.1
        71 Derby 3.81   219 62 59.8
        72 UWIC, Cardiff 4.05   255 48 59.5
        73 Anglia Ruskin 3.40   199 68 58.0
        74 Swansea 3.75   310 0 57.6
        75 Thames Valley 3.99   209 46 56.8
        76 Southampton Solent 3.80   220 48 56.7
        77 Middlesex 3.72   172 58 56.5
        78 Cumbria 3.50   286 0 54.5
        79 London Metropolitan 3.80   183 40 53.4
        80 East London 4.17   188 30 53.4
        81 Edge Hill 3.63   225 0 52.2
        82 Canterbury Christ Church 3.87   179 0 51.5
        83 Bedfordshire 3.94   135 34 50.9
        84 London South Bank 3.75   171 30 50.4
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