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        英國學生簽證T4再次調整 將提高語言要求

        http://www.darvimack.com 發表于:10-07-27 10:30:12 瀏覽: 10429 來源:




        1、英語語言課程 Level of English language study



        From 23 July 2010, the minimum level of English language course that will be permitted under Tier 4 will be level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference.

        The exemptions to the minimum level, which applied previously to government-sponsored language students and those undertaking a pre-sessional English language course before pursuing a degree course, remain in place.

        2、學生申請變更就讀院校 Students applying to change to a different education provider



        From 23 July 2010, existing Tier 4 students who want to change to a sponsor with a Highly Trusted Sponsor (HTS) license will be able to begin their new course of study, at their own risk, while they are waiting for the UK Border Agency to make a decision on their application to change sponsor.

        Students applying to change to an A- or B-rated sponsor are not permitted to begin their new course of study until they receive a positive decision from us on their application to change sponsor. To avoid unnecessary delays in beginning a course, we have put processes in place to prioritise applications made by students who want to change to A- or B-rated sponsors.

        3、學生國際文憑課程證書 Students with International Baccalaureate qualifications



        We are aware that students relying on International Baccalaureate qualifications awarded on 5 July 2010 will not be issued with a paper transcript giving their results, and will not receive their award certificates in time to apply for university courses starting in September this year.

        To enable these students to apply under Tier 4, we have made provision to accept applications made by students relying on an International Baccalaureate qualification, but who have not received their original award certificate. Further information about this is available in our the current Tier 4 policy guidance.

        4、安全語言測試 Secure English language tests

            英國政府將針對申請計點積分制第四層級(普通類)學習本科以下課程的成年學生實行強制性的安全英語語言測試. 這一新的要求將于2010年8月12日生效。

            該要求將針對所有計點積分制第四層級下低于學位課程的申請者,但不包括預科學位(foundation degree)課程(含蘇格蘭HND項目,但英格蘭或威爾士的HND項目除外)及英語課程的學生申請者。詳情請參見英國邊境管理局網站UK Border Agency website (http://www.ukvisas.gov.uk/en/aboutus/newsroom/?v) 以了解更多詳情。

        The requirement for sponsors to assess prospective students'' competence in the English language will change on 12 August 2010. From 12 August 2010 secure English language testing will apply to all Tier 4 (General) courses below degree level excluding foundation degrees (HNDs in Scotland but not in England and Wales) and English language courses. Further information about all of the above changes will be set out in revised Tier 4 policy guidance and sponsor guidance.


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