Honors & Accreditations

        “Five-Star Golden Brands of Overseas Study Service Agency” in 2013, awarded by Sina website; “National Five-Star Teams of Overseas Study Service Agency” in 2013, awarded by Sina website; “National Five-Star Consulting Services of Overseas Study Service Agency” in 2013, awarded by Sina website.

        “Consumer Preferred Brand of Overseas Study Service Agency” in 2012, awarded by Sina website

        “National Top 10 Brands of Overseas Study Service Agency”, awarded by Netease.

        “Annual Industry Leader” in 2012, awarded by Netease.

        “Golden Brand of Overseas Study Service Agency”, awarded by Beijing Youth Daily.

        “Top 10 Brands of Overseas Study Service Agency”, awarded by Beijing Morning Post.

        “Top 20 Most Reliable Overseas Study Service Agency” in 2011, awarded by Sohu website; Mr. WANG was awarded “Outstanding Educator” in 2011 by Sohu website.

        Mr. WANG was offered an appraisal calligraphy for his outstanding contribution to education in China, written by Mr. LIU Bin, the former Vice-Minister of Ministry of Education of PRC.

        “Top 10 Overseas Study Service Agency during 30 Years of Chinese Historical Reform and Opening-up Policies”, awarded by Sohu website, Sina website and QQ website.

        “Brand of the Year of Overseas Study Service Agency” in 2005, awarded by Chinese National Media

        Wiseway received the "2005 Overseas Studies Services Agency Brand of the Year Award" Chinese National Media.

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